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2006-05-01 19:10:39 +02:00
// Low-level bootloader routines to replace "assembly.s90"
// from the original ATMEL code.
// See avr-libc's boot-module for more information
// Thanks to Eric B. Weddington author of boot.h.
// 3/2004 Martin Thomas, Kaiserslautern, Germany
// todo: extend functions with espm
#include <avr/io.h>
// There are some #ifdefs in avr/boot.h V1.0 that do not "know"
// about the ATmega169. So some functions have been copied here
// and small modifications have been done to avoid problems.
#include "chipdef.h"
/* Check for SPM Control Register in processor. */
#if defined (SPMCSR)
#elif defined (SPMCR)
# define SPM_REG SPMCR
# error AVR processor does not provide bootloader support!
#define boot_spm_busy() (SPM_REG & (unsigned char)_BV(SPMEN))
#define boot_spm_busy_wait() do{}while(boot_spm_busy())
#define eeprom_is_ready() bit_is_clear(EECR, EEWE)
#define eeprom_is_ready_wait() do{}while(!eeprom_is_ready())
// from avr/boot.h
// added "func" parameter and spm-busy check at end
#define _boot_page_write_alternate_bf(address,func) \
({ \
boot_spm_busy_wait(); \
eeprom_is_ready_wait(); \
asm volatile \
( \
"movw r30, %2\n\t" \
"sts %0, %1\n\t" \
"spm\n\t" \
".word 0xffff\n\t" \
"nop\n\t" \
: "=m" (SPM_REG) \
: "r" ((unsigned char)func), \
"r" ((unsigned short)address) \
: "r30", "r31", "r0" \
); \
boot_spm_busy_wait(); \
// from avr/boot.h
// added spm-busy check at end
#define _boot_page_fill_alternate_bf(address, data)\
({ \
boot_spm_busy_wait(); \
eeprom_is_ready_wait(); \
asm volatile \
( \
"movw r0, %3\n\t" \
"movw r30, %2\n\t" \
"sts %0, %1\n\t" \
"spm\n\t" \
".word 0xffff\n\t" \
"nop\n\t" \
"clr r1\n\t" \
: "=m" (SPM_REG) \
: "r" ((unsigned char)BOOT_PAGE_FILL), \
"r" ((unsigned short)address), \
"r" ((unsigned short)data) \
: "r0", "r30", "r31" \
); \
boot_spm_busy_wait(); \
// from avr/boot.h
// added spm-busy check at end, removed lockbit-masking,
// removed r30/r31 init - maybe wrong TODO: test this
#define _boot_lock_bits_set_alternate_bf(lock_bits) \
({ \
boot_spm_busy_wait(); \
eeprom_is_ready_wait(); \
asm volatile \
( \
"mov r0, %2\n\t" \
"sts %0, %1\n\t" \
"spm\n\t" \
".word 0xffff\n\t" \
"nop\n\t" \
: "=m" (SPM_REG) \
: "r" ((unsigned char)BOOT_LOCK_BITS_SET), \
"r" ((unsigned char) lock_bits) \
: "r0" \
); \
boot_spm_busy_wait(); \
void write_lock_bits (unsigned char val)
void write_page (unsigned int adr, unsigned char function)
void fill_temp_buffer (unsigned int data,unsigned int adr)
_boot_page_fill_alternate_bf(adr, data);
unsigned int read_program_memory(unsigned int adr ,unsigned char param)
// to read lockbits give param=0x09, if param!=0 it is written to SPMCSR
// this is a "translation" from the original code to gcc-inline-assembler
unsigned int retval;
asm volatile
"movw r30, %3\n\t"
"sbrc %2,0x00\n\t"
"sts %0, %2\n\t"
#ifdef LARGE_MEMORY // If large memory (>64K) ELPM is needed to use RAMPZ
"elpm\n\t" // read LSB
"lpm\n\t" // R0 is now the LSB of the return value
"mov %A1,r0\n\t"
"inc r30\n\t"
#ifdef LARGE_MEMORY // If large memory (>64K) ELPM is needed to use RAMPZ
"elpm\n\t" // read MSB
"lpm\n\t" // R0 is now the MSB of the return value
"mov %B1,r0\n\t"
: "=m" (SPM_REG),
"=r" (retval)
: "r" ((unsigned char)param),
"r" ((unsigned short)adr)
: "r30", "r31", "r0"
return retval;