@echo off rem Use avrdude as programming-software with the AVRProg compatible bootloader rem Martin Thomas, 2006 rem Verfiy that the bootloader is configured with #define DEVTYPE DEVTYPE_ISP rem since it seems that avrdude does not work with "Boot" device-types and needs rem ISP device-types (at least in version 5.1 as in WinAVR 4/06) set HEXFILE=cansniffer.hex set PROGRAMMER=avr109 set PORT=com2 set BAUD=19200 set PART=atmega32 rem * disable safemode - bootloader can not "restore" fuses anyway set DIS_SAVE=-u avrdude %DIS_SAVE% -p %PART% -P %PORT% -c %PROGRAMMER% -b %BAUD% -v -U flash:w:%HEXFILE% rem pause