#include #include #include #include #include "logging.h" #include "config.h" #include "recvqueue.h" #include "modulelist.h" #include "gamelist.h" #include "gamescanner.h" #include "gameparser.h" #include "hlswserver.h" #include "timerservice.h" #include "mod_d3engine.h" #include "mod_gamespy1.h" #include "mod_gamespy2.h" #include "mod_halflife.h" #include "mod_hlswproxy.h" #include "mod_q3engine.h" #include "mod_quake2.h" #include "mod_ut.h" #define DEFAULT_CONFIG "hlswmaster.conf" #define DEFAULT_LOGFILE "hlswmaster.log" #define DEFAULT_LOGPRIO "WARN" static struct option opts[] = { {"config", 1, 0, 'c'}, {"debug", 0, 0, 'd'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LogSystem::init(DEFAULT_LOGPRIO, new StdErrLog()); int arg = 0, code = 0, debug = 0; char *configfile = DEFAULT_CONFIG; while (code != -1) { code = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:dh", opts, &arg); switch (code) { case 'c': /* config */ configfile = optarg; break; case 'd': /* debug */ debug = 1; break; case 'h': /* help */ printf("Usage: hlsw-master [options]\n" "Options: \n" " --config -c configfile use this configfile\n" " --debug -d do not fork and log to stderr\n" " --help -h this help\n" "\n"); exit(0); break; case '?': /* error */ exit(-1); break; default: /* unknown / all options parsed */ break; } } Config conf; conf.parseFile(configfile); const char* logfile = conf.getString("global", "logfile", DEFAULT_LOGFILE); const char* logprio = conf.getString("global", "logprio", DEFAULT_LOGPRIO); if (!debug) { LogSystem::init(logprio, new FileLog(logfile)); daemon(0, 0); } else { LogSystem::init(logprio, new StdErrLog()); } LogSystem::log(LOG_EVERYTIME, "hlswmaster-ng startup (pid:%d)", getpid()); conf.show(); RecvQueue rxQueue; ModuleList modList(conf); GameList gameList(conf); GameScanner scanner(conf, modList, rxQueue); GameParser parser(rxQueue, modList, gameList); HlswServer server(conf, gameList); modList.reg(new ModD3Engine()); modList.reg(new ModGameSpy1()); modList.reg(new ModGameSpy2()); modList.reg(new ModHalfLife()); modList.reg(new ModHlswProxy(conf)); modList.reg(new ModQ3Engine()); modList.reg(new ModQuake2()); modList.reg(new ModUT()); server.start(); parser.start(); scanner.start(); LogSystem::log(LOG_EVERYTIME, "hlswmaster-ng running..."); while (1) { TimerService::checkTimers(); usleep(500000); if (!scanner.isRunning()) { LogSystem::log(LOG_CRIT, "Scanner aborted!"); break; } if (!parser.isRunning()) { LogSystem::log(LOG_CRIT, "RecvParser aborted!"); break; } if (!server.isRunning()) { LogSystem::log(LOG_CRIT, "HlswServer aborted!"); break; } } return -1; }