
120 lines
4.5 KiB

#ifndef TARGET_H_
#define TARGET_H_
/* *********************************************************************** */
#if defined(CONFIG_ispprog)
* using ATmega16 @7.3728MHz:
* Fuse H: 0xDA (512 words bootloader, jtag disabled)
* Fuse L: 0xFF (ext. Crystal)
#define F_CPU 7372800
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define TIMER_RELOAD (0xFF - 72) /* 10ms @7.3728MHz */
#define ISP_RESET PORTB1 /* to target */
#define ISP_LED PORTB3 /* low active */
#define ISP_MOSI PORTB5 /* to target */
#define ISP_MISO PORTB6 /* to target */
#define ISP_SCK PORTB7 /* to target */
#define RESET_IN PORTD3 /* high active */
#define RESET_INACTIVE(){ PORTB |= (1<<ISP_RESET); }
#define RESET_ACTIVE() { PORTB &= ~(1<<ISP_RESET); }
#define ISP_INACTIVE() { /* ISP_SCK and ISP_MOSI are inputs */ \
DDRB &= ~((1<<ISP_SCK) | (1<<ISP_MOSI)); \
#define ISP_ACTIVE() { /* ISP_SCK and ISP_MOSI are outputs */ \
DDRB |= ((1<<ISP_SCK) | (1<<ISP_MOSI)); \
#define ISP_LED_ON() { PORTB &= ~(1<<ISP_LED); };
#define ISP_LED_OFF() { PORTB |= (1<<ISP_LED); };
#define ISP_CHECK() (PIND & (1<<RESET_IN))
#define USE_DISPLAY 0
#define TIMER_INIT() { /* timer0, FCPU/1024, overflow interrupt */ \
TCCR0 = (1<<CS02) | (1<<CS00); \
TIMSK = (1<<TOIE0); \
#define GPIO_INIT() { /* ISP_RESET and ISP_LED are outputs, pullup SlaveSelect */ \
PORTB = (1<<ISP_RESET) | (1<<ISP_LED) | (1<<PORTB4); \
DDRB = (1<<ISP_RESET) | (1<<ISP_LED); \
/* *********************************************************************** */
#elif defined(CONFIG_ispprog2)
* using ATmega328P @8MHz:
* Fuse E: 0xFA (2.7V BOD)
* Fuse H: 0xDC (512 words bootloader)
* Fuse L: 0xE2 (internal osc)
#define F_CPU 8000000
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define TIMER_RELOAD (0xFF - 78) /* 10ms @8MHz */
/* trim internal oscillator to get "good" baudrate */
#define OSCCAL_VALUE 0x80
#define ISP_RESET PORTB2 /* to target */
#define ISP_LED PORTB0 /* high active */
#define ISP_MOSI PORTB3 /* to target */
#define ISP_MISO PORTB4 /* to target */
#define ISP_SCK PORTB5 /* to target */
#define RESET_IN PORTB1 /* low active */
#define RESET_INACTIVE(){ PORTB |= (1<<ISP_RESET); }
#define RESET_ACTIVE() { PORTB &= ~(1<<ISP_RESET); }
#define ISP_INACTIVE() { /* ISP_SCK and ISP_MOSI are inputs */ \
DDRB &= ~((1<<ISP_SCK) | (1<<ISP_MOSI)); \
#define ISP_ACTIVE() { /* ISP_SCK and ISP_MOSI and ISP_RESET are outputs */ \
DDRB |= ((1<<ISP_SCK) | (1<<ISP_MOSI)); \
#define ISP_LED_ON() { PORTB |= (1<<ISP_LED); };
#define ISP_LED_OFF() { PORTB &= ~(1<<ISP_LED); };
#define ISP_CHECK() !(PINB & (1<<RESET_IN))
/* DL1414 display */
#define USE_DISPLAY 1
#define DISP_WR PORTC2 /* low active */
#define DISP_A0 PORTC0
#define DISP_A1 PORTC1
#define DISP_D0 PORTC3
#define DISP_D1 PORTD2
#define DISP_D2 PORTD3
#define DISP_D3 PORTD4
#define DISP_D4 PORTD5
#define DISP_D5 PORTD6
#define DISP_D6 PORTD7
#define TIMER_INIT() { /* timer0, FCPU/1024, overflow interrupt */ \
TCCR0B = (1<<CS02) | (1<<CS00); \
TIMSK0 = (1<<TOIE0); \
#define GPIO_INIT() { /* ISP_RESET and ISP_LED are outputs, pullup RESET_IN and SlaveSelect */ \
PORTB = (1<<ISP_RESET) | (1<<RESET_IN) | (1<<PORTB2); \
DDRB = (1<<ISP_RESET) | (1<<ISP_LED); \
/* all DISP_* pins are outputs, DISP_WR is high */ \
DDRC = (1<<DISP_WR) | (1<<DISP_A0) | (1<<DISP_A1) | (1<<DISP_D0); \
PORTC = (1<<DISP_WR); \
DDRD = 0xFC; \
/* *********************************************************************** */
#error "unknown CONFIG"
/* *********************************************************************** */
#endif /* TARGET_H_ */