/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 01/2012 by Olaf Rempel * * razzor@kopf-tisch.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License, * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include /* * atmega32: * Fuse H: 0xda (1024 words bootloader) * Fuse L: 0xd4 (8Mhz internal RC-Osz.) */ #if defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) #define F_CPU 8000000 #define VERSION_STRING "MPMBOOT m32v1.0" #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E, 0x95, 0x02 #else #error MCU not supported #endif /* 25ms @8MHz */ #define TIMER_RELOAD (0xFF - 195) /* 40 * 25ms = 1s */ #define TIMEOUT 40 #define RXTX PORTD2 #define LED PORTD3 #define BAUDRATE 115200 #define MPM_ADDRESS 0x11 #define EEPROM_SUPPORT 1 #define CMD_WAIT 0x00 #define CMD_SWITCH_MODE 0x01 #define CMD_GET_VERSION 0x02 #define CMD_GET_CHIPINFO 0x03 #define CMD_READ_MEMORY 0x11 #define CMD_WRITE_MEMORY 0x12 #define CAUSE_SUCCESS 0x00 #define CAUSE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xF0 #define CAUSE_INVALID_PARAMETER 0xF1 #define CAUSE_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR 0xFF #define BOOTMODE_BOOTLOADER 0x00 #define BOOTMODE_APPLICATION 0x80 #define MEMTYPE_FLASH 0x01 #define MEMTYPE_EEPROM 0x02 #define BOOTWAIT_EXPIRED 0x00 #define BOOTWAIT_RUNNING 0x01 #define BOOTWAIT_INTERRUPTED 0x02 #define UART_CALC_BAUDRATE(baudRate) (((uint32_t)F_CPU) / (((uint32_t)baudRate)*16) -1) /* * LED blinks with 20Hz (while bootloader is running) * * general protocol: * ================= * req: * * rsp: * * * device is MPM device address and has 9th bit set, all other * bytes in request & response have 9th bit NOT set * * length is 16bit, MSB first * * rsp-cause codes: * 0x00 - ok * 0xF0 - command not supported (unknown to bootloader) * 0xF1 - parameter error (invalid memtype/address) * 0xFF - unspecified error * * CMD switch mode: * ================ * req: ,, * rsp: ,, * * mode codes: * 0x00 - bootloader * 0x80 - application * * CMD get bootloader version: * =========================== * req: , * rsp: ,,, * * response data is bootloader version string with implementation specific length * * CMD get chip info: * ================== * req: , * rsp: ,,, * * CMD read memory: * ================ * req: ,,,, * rsp: ,,, * * memtype codes: * 0x01 - flash memory * 0x02 - eeprom memory * * CMD write memory: * ================= * req: ,,,,, * rsp: ,, * * memtype codes: * 0x01 - flash memory * 0x02 - eeprom memory * */ const static uint8_t info[16] = VERSION_STRING; const static uint8_t chipinfo[8] = { SIGNATURE_BYTES, SPM_PAGESIZE, ((BOOTLOADER_START) >> 8) & 0xFF, (BOOTLOADER_START) & 0xFF, ((E2END +1) >> 8 & 0xFF), (E2END +1) & 0xFF }; volatile static uint8_t boot_timeout = TIMEOUT; volatile static uint8_t boot_wait = BOOTWAIT_RUNNING; static uint8_t rx_addressed; static uint16_t rx_bcnt; static uint8_t rx_cmd; static uint16_t rx_length; static uint16_t tx_bcnt; static uint8_t tx_cmd; static uint8_t tx_cause; static uint16_t tx_length; static uint8_t para_mode; static uint8_t para_memtype; static uint16_t para_address; static uint16_t para_size; /* write buffer */ static uint8_t pagebuf[SPM_PAGESIZE]; static void write_flash_page(uint16_t pagestart, uint8_t *data, uint8_t size) { uint16_t address = pagestart; uint8_t pagesize = SPM_PAGESIZE; boot_page_erase(pagestart); boot_spm_busy_wait(); do { uint16_t dataword; dataword = (size-- != 0) ? *data++ : 0xFF; dataword |= ((size-- != 0) ? *data++ : 0xFF) << 8; boot_page_fill(address, dataword); address += 2; pagesize -= 2; } while (pagesize); boot_page_write(pagestart); boot_spm_busy_wait(); boot_rww_enable(); } #if (EEPROM_SUPPORT) static uint8_t read_eeprom_byte(uint16_t address) { EEARL = address; EEARH = (address >> 8); EECR |= (1<> 8); address++; EEDR = *data++; #if defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) EECR |= (1<= 3 is payload */ } else if ((rx_bcnt -3) < rx_length) { uint16_t pos = rx_bcnt -3; if ((rx_cmd == CMD_SWITCH_MODE) && (pos == 0)) { para_mode = data; } else if ((rx_cmd == CMD_READ_MEMORY) || (rx_cmd == CMD_WRITE_MEMORY)) { switch (pos) { case 0: para_memtype = data; break; case 1: case 2: para_address = (para_address << 8) | data; break; case 3: case 4: para_size = (para_size << 8) | data; break; default: pos -= 5; if ((rx_cmd == CMD_WRITE_MEMORY) && (pos < sizeof(pagebuf))) { pagebuf[pos] = data; } break; } } } /* last byte received */ if ((rx_bcnt -2) == rx_length) { /* setup response */ tx_bcnt = 0; tx_cmd = rx_cmd; tx_cause = CAUSE_SUCCESS; tx_length = 0; switch (tx_cmd) { case CMD_SWITCH_MODE: if ((para_mode != BOOTMODE_APPLICATION) && (para_mode != BOOTMODE_BOOTLOADER)) { tx_cause = CAUSE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; case CMD_GET_VERSION: tx_length = sizeof(info); break; case CMD_GET_CHIPINFO: tx_length = sizeof(chipinfo); break; case CMD_READ_MEMORY: tx_length = para_size; /* no break */ case CMD_WRITE_MEMORY: if (para_memtype == MEMTYPE_FLASH) { /* only access application area */ if (para_address > (BOOTLOADER_START - SPM_PAGESIZE)) { tx_length = 0; tx_cause = CAUSE_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* writes must pagesize aligned */ } else if (tx_cmd == CMD_WRITE_MEMORY) { if (((para_address & (SPM_PAGESIZE -1)) == 0x00) && (para_size <= SPM_PAGESIZE) ) { write_flash_page(para_address, pagebuf, para_size); para_address += para_size; } else { tx_cause = CAUSE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } #if (EEPROM_SUPPORT) } else if (para_memtype == MEMTYPE_EEPROM) { if ((para_address > (E2END +1)) || ((para_address + para_size) > (E2END +1))) { tx_cause = CAUSE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (tx_cmd == CMD_WRITE_MEMORY) { write_eeprom_page(para_address, pagebuf, para_size); para_address += para_size; } #endif /*(EEPROM_SUPPORT) */ } else { tx_length = 0; tx_cause = CAUSE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; default: tx_cause = CAUSE_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } /* kickoff transmit */ UCSRB |= (1<> 8); } else if (tx_bcnt == 3) { UDR = (tx_length & 0xFF); } else if ((tx_bcnt -4) < tx_length) { uint16_t pos = tx_bcnt -4; uint8_t data = 0xFF; if (tx_cmd == CMD_GET_VERSION) { data = info[pos]; } else if (tx_cmd == CMD_GET_CHIPINFO) { data = chipinfo[pos]; } else if (tx_cmd == CMD_READ_MEMORY) { if (para_memtype == MEMTYPE_FLASH) { data = pgm_read_byte_near(para_address++); #if (EEPROM_SUPPORT) } else if (para_memtype == MEMTYPE_EEPROM) { data = read_eeprom_byte(para_address++); #endif /* (EEPROM_SUPPORT) */ } } UDR = data; } else { /* stop transmit */ UCSRB &= ~(1<>8) & 0xFF; UBRRL = (UART_CALC_BAUDRATE(BAUDRATE) & 0xFF); /* 11.354ms for 109 bits @9600 */ /* 946.18us for 109 bits @115200 */ // uart_send("1234567890"); sei(); while (boot_wait != BOOTWAIT_EXPIRED); cli(); /* disable timer0 */ /* move interrupt vectors back to application */ #if defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) TCCR0 = 0x00; TIMSK = 0x00; GICR = (1<