/******************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates This software file (the "File") is owned and distributed by Marvell International Ltd. and/or its affiliates ("Marvell") under the following alternative licensing terms. 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THE FILE IS DISTRIBUTED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The GPL License provides additional details about this warranty disclaimer. ******************************************************************************** Marvell BSD License Option If you received this File from Marvell, you may opt to use, redistribute and/or modify this File under the following licensing terms. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Marvell nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvNfp.c - Marvell Network Fast Processing (Routing and NAT) * * DESCRIPTION: * * Supported Features: * - OS independent. * *******************************************************************************/ /* includes */ #include "mvOs.h" #include "mvDebug.h" #include "eth/nfp/mvNfp.h" #include "eth/mvEth.h" MV_U32 ip_hash_depth[ETH_FP_MAX_HASH_DEPTH+1]; MV_U32 nat_hash_depth[ETH_FP_MAX_HASH_DEPTH+1]; static struct ruleHashBucket *ruleDb; static MV_U32 ruleDbSize; static MV_U32 nfpRuleSetCount; static MV_U32 nfpRuleUpdateCount; static MV_U32 nfpRuleDeleteCount; MV_U32 fp_ip_jhash_iv = 0; MV_STATUS mvFpInit(void) { memset(nat_hash_depth, 0, (ETH_FP_MAX_HASH_DEPTH+1)*sizeof(MV_U32)); memset(ip_hash_depth, 0, (ETH_FP_MAX_HASH_DEPTH+1)*sizeof(MV_U32)); fp_ip_jhash_iv = mvOsRand(); return MV_OK; } /* Initialize NFP Rule Database (Routing + ARP information table) */ MV_STATUS mvFpRuleDbInit(MV_U32 dbSize) { ruleDb = (struct ruleHashBucket *)mvOsMalloc(sizeof(struct ruleHashBucket)*dbSize); if (ruleDb == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("NFP Rule DB: Not Enough Memory\n"); return MV_NO_RESOURCE; } ruleDbSize = dbSize; memset(ruleDb, 0, sizeof(struct ruleHashBucket)*ruleDbSize); nfpRuleSetCount = nfpRuleUpdateCount = nfpRuleDeleteCount = 0; mvOsPrintf("mvFpRuleDb (%p): %d entries, %d bytes\n", ruleDb, ruleDbSize, sizeof(struct ruleHashBucket)*ruleDbSize); return MV_OK; } /* Clear NFP Rule Database (Routing + ARP information table) */ MV_STATUS mvFpRuleDbClear(void) { MV_U32 i = 0; MV_FP_RULE *currRule; MV_FP_RULE *tmpRule; if (ruleDb == NULL) return MV_NOT_INITIALIZED; for (i = 0; i < ruleDbSize; i++) { currRule = ruleDb[i].ruleChain; while (currRule != NULL) { tmpRule = currRule; currRule = currRule->next; mvOsFree(tmpRule); } ruleDb[i].ruleChain = NULL; } return MV_OK; } /* Free Rule Database memory */ void mvFpRuleDbDestroy(void) { if (ruleDb != NULL) mvOsFree(ruleDb); } /* Print rule action type. Assume rule is not NULL. */ static void mvFpActionTypePrint(const MV_FP_RULE *rule) { switch(rule->mgmtInfo.actionType) { case MV_FP_ROUTE_CMD: mvOsPrintf("A=Route, "); break; case MV_FP_DROP_CMD: mvOsPrintf("A=Drop, "); break; case MV_FP_TO_STACK_CMD: mvOsPrintf("A=Stack, "); break; default: mvOsPrintf("A=Unknown (%d), ", rule->mgmtInfo.actionType); break; } } /* Print rule type (static or dynamic). Assume rule is not NULL. */ static void mvFpRuleTypePrint(const MV_FP_RULE *rule) { switch(rule->mgmtInfo.ruleType) { case MV_FP_STATIC_RULE: mvOsPrintf("T=Static"); break; case MV_FP_DYNAMIC_RULE: mvOsPrintf("T=Dynamic"); break; default: mvOsPrintf("T=Unknown"); break; } } /* Print a NFP Rule */ void mvFpRulePrint(const MV_FP_RULE *rule) { mvFpActionTypePrint(rule); mvFpRuleTypePrint(rule); mvOsPrintf(", SIP="); mvDebugPrintIpAddr(MV_32BIT_BE(rule->routingInfo.srcIp)); mvOsPrintf(", DIP="); mvDebugPrintIpAddr(MV_32BIT_BE(rule->routingInfo.dstIp)); mvOsPrintf(", GTW="); mvDebugPrintIpAddr(MV_32BIT_BE(rule->routingInfo.defGtwIp)); mvOsPrintf(", DA="); mvDebugPrintMacAddr(rule->routingInfo.dstMac); mvOsPrintf(", SA="); mvDebugPrintMacAddr(rule->routingInfo.srcMac); mvOsPrintf(", inIf=%d", rule->routingInfo.inIfIndex); mvOsPrintf(", outIf=%d", rule->routingInfo.outIfIndex); mvOsPrintf(", count=%d, aware_flags=0x%X", rule->mgmtInfo.new_count, rule->routingInfo.aware_flags); mvOsPrintf("\n"); } /* Print NFP Rule Database (Routing + ARP information table) */ MV_STATUS mvFpRuleDbPrint(void) { MV_U32 count, i; MV_FP_RULE *currRule; mvOsPrintf("\nPrinting NFP Rule Database\n"); count = 0; for(i=0; inext; count++; } } return MV_OK; } /* Copy all the information from src_rule to new_rule */ /* Warning - doesn't perform any checks on memory, just copies */ /* count is set to zero in new_rule */ /* Note: the next pointer is not updated . */ void mvFpRuleCopy(MV_FP_RULE *dstRule, const MV_FP_RULE *srcRule) { dstRule->mgmtInfo.actionType = srcRule->mgmtInfo.actionType; dstRule->mgmtInfo.new_count = srcRule->mgmtInfo.new_count; dstRule->mgmtInfo.old_count = srcRule->mgmtInfo.old_count; dstRule->mgmtInfo.ruleType = srcRule->mgmtInfo.ruleType; dstRule->mgmtInfo.snat_aware_refcnt = srcRule->mgmtInfo.snat_aware_refcnt; dstRule->mgmtInfo.dnat_aware_refcnt = srcRule->mgmtInfo.dnat_aware_refcnt; dstRule->routingInfo.aware_flags = srcRule->routingInfo.aware_flags; dstRule->routingInfo.srcIp = srcRule->routingInfo.srcIp; dstRule->routingInfo.dstIp = srcRule->routingInfo.dstIp; dstRule->routingInfo.defGtwIp = srcRule->routingInfo.defGtwIp; memcpy(dstRule->routingInfo.srcMac, srcRule->routingInfo.srcMac, MV_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); memcpy(dstRule->routingInfo.dstMac, srcRule->routingInfo.dstMac, MV_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); dstRule->routingInfo.inIfIndex = srcRule->routingInfo.inIfIndex; dstRule->routingInfo.outIfIndex = srcRule->routingInfo.outIfIndex; } /* Get the count value for a rule that matches the given SIP, DIP */ MV_U32 mvFpRouteCountGet(MV_U32 srcIp, MV_U32 dstIp) { MV_U32 hash, hash_tr; MV_FP_RULE *pRule; hash = mv_jhash_3words(dstIp, srcIp, (MV_U32)0, fp_ip_jhash_iv); hash_tr = hash & (ruleDbSize - 1); pRule = ruleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain; while(pRule) { /* look for a matching rule */ if( (pRule->routingInfo.dstIp == dstIp) && (pRule->routingInfo.srcIp == srcIp) ) { return pRule->mgmtInfo.new_count; } pRule = pRule->next; } return 0; } MV_STATUS mvFpRuleAwareSet(MV_FP_RULE *pSetRule) { MV_U32 hash, hash_tr; MV_FP_RULE *pRule; hash = mv_jhash_3words(pSetRule->routingInfo.dstIp, pSetRule->routingInfo.srcIp, (MV_U32)0, fp_ip_jhash_iv); hash_tr = hash & (ruleDbSize - 1); pRule = ruleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain; while(pRule) { if( (pRule->routingInfo.srcIp == pSetRule->routingInfo.srcIp) && (pRule->routingInfo.dstIp == pSetRule->routingInfo.dstIp) ) { pRule->routingInfo.aware_flags = pSetRule->routingInfo.aware_flags; #ifdef MV_FP_DEBUG mvOsPrintf("Update FP aware: DIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, SIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, hash0x%x, flags=0x%x\n", MV_IP_QUAD(pSetRule->routingInfo.dstIp), MV_IP_QUAD(pSetRule->routingInfo.srcIp), hash_tr, pSetRule->routingInfo.aware_flags); #endif return MV_OK; } pRule = pRule->next; } #ifdef MV_FP_DEBUG mvOsPrintf("FP aware NOT found: DIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, SIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, hash=0x%x, flags=0x%x\n", MV_IP_QUAD(pSetRule->routingInfo.dstIp), MV_IP_QUAD(pSetRule->routingInfo.srcIp), hash_tr, pSetRule->routingInfo.aware_flags); #endif return MV_NOT_FOUND; } /* Set a Routing Rule: create a new rule or update an existing rule */ /* in the Routing + ARP information table */ MV_STATUS mvFpRuleSet(MV_FP_RULE *pSetRule) { MV_U32 hash, hash_tr; MV_FP_RULE *pRule, *pNewRule; hash = mv_jhash_3words(pSetRule->routingInfo.dstIp, pSetRule->routingInfo.srcIp, (MV_U32)0, fp_ip_jhash_iv); hash_tr = hash & (ruleDbSize - 1); pRule = ruleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain; while(pRule) { if( (pRule->routingInfo.srcIp == pSetRule->routingInfo.srcIp && pRule->routingInfo.dstIp == pSetRule->routingInfo.dstIp) ) { mvFpRuleCopy(pRule, pSetRule); nfpRuleUpdateCount++; #ifdef MV_FP_DEBUG mvOsPrintf("UpdNFP_%03u: DIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, SIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, hash=0x%04x\n", nfpRuleUpdateCount, MV_IP_QUAD(pSetRule->routingInfo.dstIp), MV_IP_QUAD(pSetRule->routingInfo.srcIp), hash_tr); #endif return MV_OK; } pRule = pRule->next; } /* Allocate new entry */ pNewRule = mvOsMalloc(sizeof(MV_FP_RULE)); if(pNewRule == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("mvFpRuleSet: Can't allocate new rule\n"); return MV_FAIL; } mvFpRuleCopy(pNewRule, pSetRule); pNewRule->next = NULL; if(ruleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain == NULL) ruleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain = pNewRule; else { pRule = ruleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain; while (pRule->next != NULL) pRule = pRule->next; pRule->next = pNewRule; } nfpRuleSetCount++; #ifdef MV_FP_DEBUG mvOsPrintf("SetNFP_%03u: DIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, SIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, hash=0x%04x, aware=0x%02x\n", nfpRuleSetCount, MV_IP_QUAD(pSetRule->routingInfo.dstIp), MV_IP_QUAD(pSetRule->routingInfo.srcIp), hash_tr, pSetRule->routingInfo.aware_flags); #endif return MV_OK; } /* Delete a specified rule from the Routing + ARP information table */ MV_STATUS mvFpRuleDelete(MV_FP_RULE *rule) { MV_U32 hash, hash_tr; MV_FP_RULE *currRule, *prevRule; nfpRuleDeleteCount++; hash = mv_jhash_3words(rule->routingInfo.dstIp, rule->routingInfo.srcIp, (MV_U32)0, fp_ip_jhash_iv); hash_tr = hash & (ruleDbSize - 1); prevRule = NULL; for (currRule = ruleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain; currRule != NULL; prevRule = currRule, currRule = currRule->next) { if( (currRule->routingInfo.srcIp == rule->routingInfo.srcIp) && (currRule->routingInfo.dstIp == rule->routingInfo.dstIp) ) { if (prevRule == NULL) ruleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain = currRule->next; else prevRule->next = currRule->next; #ifdef MV_FP_DEBUG mvOsPrintf("DelNFP_%03u: DIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, SIP=%u.%u.%u.%u, hash=0x%04x\n", nfpRuleDeleteCount, MV_IP_QUAD(currRule->routingInfo.dstIp), MV_IP_QUAD(currRule->routingInfo.srcIp), hash_tr); #endif mvOsFree(currRule); return MV_OK; } } return MV_NOT_FOUND; } /* Find and return the first matching rule in the Routing + ARP information table */ static INLINE MV_FP_RULE* mvFpRuleFind(MV_U32 dstIp, MV_U32 srcIp) { MV_U32 hash, hash_tr; MV_FP_RULE* pRule; int count = 0; hash = mv_jhash_3words(dstIp, srcIp, (MV_U32)0, fp_ip_jhash_iv); hash_tr = hash & (ruleDbSize - 1); pRule = ruleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain; while(pRule) { /* look for a matching rule */ if( (pRule->routingInfo.dstIp == dstIp) && (pRule->routingInfo.srcIp == srcIp) ) { MV_NFP_STAT( ip_hash_depth[count]++); pRule->mgmtInfo.new_count++; return pRule; } pRule = pRule->next; count++; } return NULL; } #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_FDB_SUPPORT static INLINE MV_U32 mvFpFdbMember(MV_U32 ifIndex) { return (ifIndex < ETH_FP_IFINDEX_MAX) ? fdbMember[ifIndex] : 0; } static MV_FP_FDB_RULE* mvFpFdbLookup(MV_U32 ifIndex, MV_U8* pDA) { MV_U32 hash, hash_tr; MV_FP_FDB_RULE* pRule; MV_U32 bridgeId; int count = 0; if (ifIndex >= ETH_FP_IFINDEX_MAX) return NULL; if (!(bridgeId = fdbMember[ifIndex])) return NULL; hash = mv_jhash_3words(bridgeId, 0, *(MV_U32*)(pDA+2), fp_ip_jhash_iv); hash_tr = hash & (fdbRuleDbSize - 1); pRule = fdbRuleDb[hash_tr].ruleChain; while (pRule) { /* MV_NFP_DBG("%s: looking %d %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", __FUNCTION__, bridgeId, pRule->fdbInfo.mac[0], pRule->fdbInfo.mac[1], pRule->fdbInfo.mac[2], pRule->fdbInfo.mac[3], pRule->fdbInfo.mac[4], pRule->fdbInfo.mac[5]); */ if ((bridgeId == pRule->fdbInfo.bridge) && (*((MV_U16*)(pDA+0)) == *(MV_U16*)(&pRule->fdbInfo.mac[0])) && (*((MV_U16*)(pDA+2)) == *(MV_U16*)(&pRule->fdbInfo.mac[2])) && (*((MV_U16*)(pDA+4)) == *(MV_U16*)(&pRule->fdbInfo.mac[4]))) { MV_NFP_STAT(ip_hash_depth[count]++); pRule->mgmtInfo.new_count++; break; } pRule = pRule->next; count++; } /* if (pRule) MV_NFP_DBG("%s: lookup bridge=%d %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x => if=%d flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, bridgeId, pDA[0],pDA[1],pDA[2],pDA[3],pDA[4],pDA[5], pRule->fdbInfo.ifIndex, pRule->fdbInfo.flags); else MV_NFP_DBG("%s: lookup bridge=%d %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x => unknown\n", __FUNCTION__, bridgeId, pDA[0],pDA[1],pDA[2],pDA[3],pDA[4],pDA[5]); */ return pRule; } #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_FDB_SUPPORT */ int mvFpProcess(MV_U32 ifIndex, MV_U8* pData, MV_IP_HEADER* pIpHdr, MV_FP_STATS* pFpStats) { MV_FP_RULE *pFpRoute; MV_U32 dip, sip; #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT MV_U8 proto; MV_U16 srcPort, dstPort; MV_FP_NAT_RULE *pDnatRule, *pSnatRule; #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_FDB_SUPPORT MV_FP_FDB_RULE *pFdb; #endif MV_U8* pEthHeader = pData + ETH_MV_HEADER_SIZE; MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->process++ ); /* Check MAC address: * WAN - non-promiscous mode. * Unicast packets - NFP, * Multicast, Broadcast - Linux * LAN - Promiscous mode. * LAN Unicast MAC - NFP, * Multicast, Broadcast, Unknown Unicast - Linux */ if(pEthHeader[0] & 0x1) { /* Go to Linux IP stack */ MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->multicast++); return -1; } #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_FDB_SUPPORT if (mvFpFdbMember(ifIndex)) { pFdb = mvFpFdbLookup(ifIndex, pEthHeader); if (!pFdb) { MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->fdb_rx_unknown++ ); return -1; } if (pFdb->fdbInfo.flags & MV_FP_FDB_IS_LOCAL) { /* DA is local, continue with routing */ MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->fdb_rx_local++ ); } else { /* perform bridging */ MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->fdb_bridged++ ); return pFdb->fdbInfo.ifIndex; } } #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_FDB_SUPPORT */ /* Check TTL value */ if(pIpHdr->ttl <= 1) { /* TTL expired */ MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->ip_ttl_expired++ ); return -1; } dip = pIpHdr->dstIP; sip = pIpHdr->srcIP; #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT proto = mvFpNatPortsGet(pIpHdr, &dstPort, &srcPort); if(proto == MV_IP_PROTO_NULL) { /* NAT not supported for this protocol */ MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->nat_bad_proto++ ); pDnatRule = NULL; } else { /* Lookup NAT database accordingly with 5 tuple key */ pDnatRule = mvFpNatRuleFind(dip, sip, proto, dstPort, srcPort); } if(pDnatRule != NULL) { if(pDnatRule->flags & MV_FP_DIP_CMD_MAP) { dip = pDnatRule->newIp; } if(pDnatRule->flags & MV_FP_DPORT_CMD_MAP) { dstPort = pDnatRule->newPort; } } else { MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->dnat_not_found++ ); } #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT */ pFpRoute = mvFpRuleFind(dip, sip); if(pFpRoute == NULL) { /* IP Routing rule is not found: go to Linux IP stack */ MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->ip_not_found++ ); return -1; } MV_NFP_STAT(pFpStats->ip_found++); #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT if( (pDnatRule != NULL) && (pDnatRule->flags & MV_FP_DNAT_CMD_MAP) ) { MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->dnat_found++ ); pSnatRule = mvFpNatRuleFind(dip, sip, proto, dstPort, srcPort); } else { pSnatRule = pDnatRule; } if( (pSnatRule != NULL) && (pSnatRule->flags & MV_FP_SNAT_CMD_MAP) ) { MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->snat_found++ ); } else { MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->snat_not_found++ ); } /* Check IP awareness */ if( (pFpRoute->routingInfo.aware_flags & MV_FP_DIP_CMD_MAP) && (pDnatRule == NULL) ) { MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->dnat_aware++ ); return -1; } if( (pFpRoute->routingInfo.aware_flags & MV_FP_SIP_CMD_MAP) && (pSnatRule == NULL) ) { MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->snat_aware++ ); return -1; } /* Update packet accordingly with NAT rules */ if( (pDnatRule != NULL) || (pSnatRule != NULL) ) { mvFpNatPktUpdate(pIpHdr, pDnatRule, pSnatRule); } #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT */ if( (unsigned int)pEthHeader & 0x2) { *((MV_U16*)(pEthHeader)) = *(MV_U16*)(&pFpRoute->routingInfo.dstMac[0]); *((MV_U32*)(pEthHeader + 2)) = *(MV_U32*)(&pFpRoute->routingInfo.dstMac[2]); *((MV_U32*)(pEthHeader + 2 + 4)) = *(MV_U32*)(&pFpRoute->routingInfo.srcMac[0]); *((MV_U16*)(pEthHeader + 2 + 4 + 4)) = *(MV_U16*)(&pFpRoute->routingInfo.srcMac[4]); } else { memcpy(pEthHeader, pFpRoute->routingInfo.dstMac, MV_MAC_ADDR_SIZE*2); } pIpHdr->ttl--; #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_FDB_SUPPORT /* find actual port inside bridge, otherwise br->xmit is called */ if (mvFpFdbMember(pFpRoute->routingInfo.outIfIndex)) { pFdb = mvFpFdbLookup(pFpRoute->routingInfo.outIfIndex, pEthHeader); if (pFdb) { MV_NFP_STAT( pFpStats->fdb_tx_found++ ); return pFdb->fdbInfo.ifIndex; } } #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_FDB_SUPPORT */ return pFpRoute->routingInfo.outIfIndex; } void mvFpStatsPrint(MV_FP_STATS *pFpStats) { #ifdef MV_FP_STATISTICS int i = 0; mvOsPrintf( "\n====================================================\n" ); mvOsPrintf( " NFP statistics"); mvOsPrintf( "\n-------------------------------\n" ); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_parsing....................%10u\n", pFpStats->parsing ); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_process....................%10u\n", pFpStats->process ); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_multicast..................%10u\n", pFpStats->multicast ); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_non_ip.....................%10u\n", pFpStats->non_ip ); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_vlan_tagged................%10u\n", pFpStats->vlan_tagged ); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_ip_not_found...............%10u\n", pFpStats->ip_not_found ); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_ttl_expired................%10u\n", pFpStats->ip_ttl_expired ); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_ip_found...................%10u\n", pFpStats->ip_found ); #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT mvOsPrintf( "nfp_nat_bad_proto..............%10u\n", pFpStats->nat_bad_proto); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_nat_dnat_found.............%10u\n", pFpStats->dnat_found); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_nat_snat_found.............%10u\n", pFpStats->snat_found); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_nat_dnat_not_found.........%10u\n", pFpStats->dnat_not_found); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_nat_snat_not_found.........%10u\n", pFpStats->snat_not_found); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_nat_dnat_aware.............%10u\n", pFpStats->dnat_aware); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_nat_snat_aware.............%10u\n", pFpStats->snat_aware); #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_FDB_SUPPORT mvOsPrintf( "nfp_fdb_rx_local...............%10u\n", pFpStats->fdb_rx_local); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_fdb_rx_unknown.............%10u\n", pFpStats->fdb_rx_unknown); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_fdb_tx_found...............%10u\n", pFpStats->fdb_tx_found); mvOsPrintf( "nfp_fdb_bridged................%10u\n", pFpStats->fdb_bridged); #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_FDB_SUPPORT */ mvOsPrintf("\nHASH Depth IP stats\n"); for(i=0; i<=ETH_FP_MAX_HASH_DEPTH; i++) { if(ip_hash_depth[i] != 0) { mvOsPrintf("%d depth - %u times\n", i, ip_hash_depth[i]); ip_hash_depth[i] = 0; } } #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT mvOsPrintf("\nHASH Depth NAT stats\n"); for(i=0; i<=ETH_FP_MAX_HASH_DEPTH; i++) { if(nat_hash_depth[i] != 0) { mvOsPrintf("%d depth - %u times\n", i, nat_hash_depth[i]); nat_hash_depth[i] = 0; } } #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT */ memset(pFpStats, 0, sizeof(MV_FP_STATS)); #endif /* MV_FP_STATISTICS */ mvOsPrintf("\n"); mvOsPrintf("nfpRuleSetCount=%u, nfpRuleUpdateCount=%u, nfpRuleDeleteCount=%u\n", nfpRuleSetCount, nfpRuleUpdateCount, nfpRuleDeleteCount); #ifdef CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT mvOsPrintf("\n"); mvOsPrintf("natRuleSetCount=%u, natRuleUpdateCount=%u, natRuleDeleteCount=%u\n", natRuleSetCount, natRuleUpdateCount, natRuleDeleteCount); #endif /* CONFIG_MV_ETH_NFP_NAT_SUPPORT */ }