/******************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates This software file (the "File") is owned and distributed by Marvell International Ltd. and/or its affiliates ("Marvell") under the following alternative licensing terms. 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} /******************************************************************************* * mvEthE6063PhyBasicInit - * * DESCRIPTION: * Do a basic Init to the Phy , including reset * * INPUT: * ethPortNum - Ethernet port number * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: None * *******************************************************************************/ MV_VOID mvEthE6063SwitchBasicInit(MV_U32 ethPortNum) { switchVlanInit(ethPortNum, MV_E6063_CPU_PORT, MV_E6063_MAX_PORTS_NUM, MV_E6063_PORTS_OFFSET, MV_E6063_ENABLED_PORTS); } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthE6131PhyBasicInit - * * DESCRIPTION: * Do a basic Init to the Phy , including reset * * INPUT: * ethPortNum - Ethernet port number * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: None * *******************************************************************************/ MV_VOID mvEthE6131SwitchBasicInit(MV_U32 ethPortNum) { MV_U16 reg; /*Enable Phy power up*/ mvEthPhyRegWrite (0,0,0x9140); mvEthPhyRegWrite (1,0,0x9140); mvEthPhyRegWrite (2,0,0x9140); /*Enable PPU*/ mvEthPhyRegWrite (0x1b,4,0x4080); /*Enable Phy detection*/ mvEthPhyRegRead (0x13,0,®); reg &= ~(1<<12); mvEthPhyRegWrite (0x13,0,reg); mvOsDelay(100); mvEthPhyRegWrite (0x13,1,0x33); switchVlanInit(ethPortNum, MV_E6131_CPU_PORT, MV_E6131_MAX_PORTS_NUM, MV_E6131_PORTS_OFFSET, MV_E6131_ENABLED_PORTS); } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthE6161PhyBasicInit - * * DESCRIPTION: * Do a basic Init to the Phy , including reset * * INPUT: * ethPortNum - Ethernet port number * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: None * *******************************************************************************/ MV_VOID mvEthE6161SwitchBasicInit(void) { MV_U32 prt; MV_U16 reg; volatile MV_U32 timeout; /* The 6161/5 needs a delay */ mvOsDelay(100); /* Init vlan */ switchVlanInit(0, MV_E6161_CPU_PORT, MV_E6161_MAX_PORTS_NUM, MV_E6161_PORTS_OFFSET, MV_E6161_ENABLED_PORTS); /* Enable RGMII delay on Tx and Rx for CPU port */ mvEthPhyRegWrite (0x14,0x1a,0x81e7); mvEthPhyRegRead (0x15,0x1a,®); mvEthPhyRegWrite (0x15,0x1a,0x18); mvEthPhyRegWrite (0x14,0x1a,0xc1e7); for(prt=0; prt < MV_E6161_MAX_PORTS_NUM; prt++) { if (prt != MV_E6161_CPU_PORT) { /*Enable Phy power up*/ mvEthPhyRegWrite (MV_E6161_GLOBAL_2_REG_DEV_ADDR, MV_E6161_SMI_PHY_DATA, 0x3360); mvEthPhyRegWrite (MV_E6161_GLOBAL_2_REG_DEV_ADDR, MV_E6161_SMI_PHY_COMMAND, (0x9410 | (prt << 5))); /*Make sure SMIBusy bit cleared before another SMI operation can take place*/ timeout = E6161_PHY_TIMEOUT; do { mvEthPhyRegRead(MV_E6161_GLOBAL_2_REG_DEV_ADDR, MV_E6161_SMI_PHY_COMMAND,®); if(timeout-- == 0) { mvOsPrintf("mvEthPhyRegRead: SMI busy timeout\n"); return; } }while (reg & E6161_PHY_SMI_BUSY_MASK); mvEthPhyRegWrite (MV_E6161_GLOBAL_2_REG_DEV_ADDR, MV_E6161_SMI_PHY_DATA,0x1140); mvEthPhyRegWrite (MV_E6161_GLOBAL_2_REG_DEV_ADDR, MV_E6161_SMI_PHY_COMMAND,(0x9400 | (prt << 5))); /*Make sure SMIBusy bit cleared before another SMI operation can take place*/ timeout = E6161_PHY_TIMEOUT; do { mvEthPhyRegRead(MV_E6161_GLOBAL_2_REG_DEV_ADDR, MV_E6161_SMI_PHY_COMMAND,®); if(timeout-- == 0) { mvOsPrintf("mvEthPhyRegRead: SMI busy timeout\n"); return; } }while (reg & E6161_PHY_SMI_BUSY_MASK); } /*Enable port*/ mvEthPhyRegWrite (MV_E6161_PORTS_OFFSET + prt, 4, 0x7f); } /*Force CPU port to RGMII FDX 1000Base*/ mvEthPhyRegWrite (MV_E6161_PORTS_OFFSET + MV_E6161_CPU_PORT, 1, 0x3e); } static void switchVlanInit(MV_U32 ethPortNum, MV_U32 switchCpuPort, MV_U32 switchMaxPortsNum, MV_U32 switchPortsOffset, MV_U32 switchEnabledPortsMask) { MV_U32 prt; MV_U16 reg; /* be sure all ports are disabled */ for(prt=0; prt < switchMaxPortsNum; prt++) { mvEthPhyRegRead (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_CONTROL_REG,®); reg &= ~0x3; mvEthPhyRegWrite (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_CONTROL_REG,reg); } /* Set CPU port VID to 0x1 */ mvEthPhyRegRead (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(switchCpuPort), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VID_REG,®); reg &= ~0xfff; reg |= 0x1; mvEthPhyRegWrite (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(switchCpuPort), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VID_REG,reg); /* Setting Port default priority for all ports to zero */ for(prt=0; prt < switchMaxPortsNum; prt++) { mvEthPhyRegRead (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VID_REG,®); reg &= ~0xc000; mvEthPhyRegWrite (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VID_REG,reg); } /* Setting VID and VID map for all ports except CPU port */ for(prt=0; prt < switchMaxPortsNum; prt++) { /* only for enabled ports */ if ((1 << prt)& switchEnabledPortsMask) { /* skip CPU port */ if (prt== switchCpuPort) continue; /* * set Ports VLAN Mapping. * port prt <--> MV_SWITCH_CPU_PORT VLAN #prt+1. */ mvEthPhyRegRead (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VID_REG,®); reg &= ~0x0fff; reg |= (prt+1); mvEthPhyRegWrite (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VID_REG,reg); /* Set Vlan map table for all ports to send only to MV_SWITCH_CPU_PORT */ mvEthPhyRegRead (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VMAP_REG,®); reg &= ~((1 << switchMaxPortsNum) - 1); reg |= (1 << switchCpuPort); mvEthPhyRegWrite (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VMAP_REG,reg); } } /* Set Vlan map table for MV_SWITCH_CPU_PORT to see all ports*/ mvEthPhyRegRead (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(switchCpuPort), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VMAP_REG,®); reg &= ~((1 << switchMaxPortsNum) - 1); reg |= switchEnabledPortsMask & ~(1 << switchCpuPort); mvEthPhyRegWrite (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(switchCpuPort), MV_SWITCH_PORT_VMAP_REG,reg); /*enable only appropriate ports to forwarding mode - and disable the others*/ for(prt=0; prt < switchMaxPortsNum; prt++) { if ((1 << prt)& switchEnabledPortsMask) { mvEthPhyRegRead (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_CONTROL_REG,®); reg |= 0x3; mvEthPhyRegWrite (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_CONTROL_REG,reg); } else { /* Disable port */ mvEthPhyRegRead (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_CONTROL_REG,®); reg &= ~0x3; mvEthPhyRegWrite (mvBoardPhyAddrGet(ethPortNum)+ MV_SWITCH_PORT_OFFSET(prt), MV_SWITCH_PORT_CONTROL_REG,reg); } } return; }