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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvEthPolicy.c - Source file for RX and TX policy of Giga Ethernet driver * * DESCRIPTION: * * DEPENDENCIES: * None. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "mvEthPolicy.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** RX Policy **************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ ETH_RX_POLICY* rxPolicy[MV_ETH_MAX_PORTS]; /******************************************************************************* * mvEthRxPolicyInit - Initialize RX policy component. * * DESCRIPTION: * Create RX policy database for ethernet port, set to it to default * (FIXED mode) and return port handle. * * INPUT: * int port - Ethernet port number * * * RETURN: * void* pRxPolicyHndl - RX Policy component handler; * *******************************************************************************/ void* mvEthRxPolicyInit(int port, int defQuota, MV_ETH_PRIO_MODE defMode) { int queue; if( (port < 0) || (port >= mvCtrlEthMaxPortGet()) ) { mvOsPrintf("ethRxPolicy: port #%d is not exist\n", port); return NULL; } rxPolicy[port] = mvOsMalloc(sizeof(ETH_RX_POLICY)); if(rxPolicy[port] == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("ethRxPolicy: Port #%d, Can't allocate %lu bytes\n", port, sizeof(ETH_RX_POLICY)); return NULL; } /* Set defaults */ memset(rxPolicy[port], 0, sizeof(ETH_RX_POLICY)); for(queue=0; queuerxQuota[queue] = defQuota; } rxPolicy[port]->port = port; rxPolicy[port]->rxPrioMode = defMode; rxPolicy[port]->rxCurQ = MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM-1; rxPolicy[port]->rxCurQuota = rxPolicy[port]->rxQuota[rxPolicy[port]->rxCurQ]; return rxPolicy[port]; } /* Get RX policy handler for specific port */ void* mvEthRxPolicyHndlGet(int port) { return rxPolicy[port]; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthRxPolicyModeSet - Set receive priority policy. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function configures priority mode for processing received packets. * * INPUT: * void* pRxPolHndl - RX Policy component handler * MV_ETH_PRIO_MODE prioMode - RX priority mode (FIXED or WRR) * * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthRxPolicyModeSet(void* pRxPolHndl, MV_ETH_PRIO_MODE prioMode) { ETH_RX_POLICY* pRxPolicy = (ETH_RX_POLICY*)pRxPolHndl; pRxPolicy->rxPrioMode = prioMode; return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthRxPolicyQueueCfg - Set quota for RX queue in WRR receive priority mode. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function configures packet based quota for each RX queue, * when WRR priority mode is chosen for processing received packets. * * INPUT: * void* pRxPolHndl - RX Policy component handler * int rxQueue - RX priority mode (FIXED or WRR) * int rxQuota - packet based quota for RX queue (only in WRR mode) * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthRxPolicyQueueCfg(void* pRxPolHndl, int rxQueue, int rxQuota) { ETH_RX_POLICY* pRxPolicy = (ETH_RX_POLICY*)pRxPolHndl; pRxPolicy->rxQuota[rxQueue] = rxQuota; return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthRxPolicyGet - Get RX policy of ethernet port. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function choose which RX queue will be processed next * * INPUT: * void* pRxPolHndl - RX Policy component handler * MV_U32 cause - value of cause register, indicating * which RX queues received packets. * * RETURN: * int rxQueue - The RX queue number that will be processed next. * -1 means error * *******************************************************************************/ int mvEthRxPolicyGet(void* pRxPolHndl, MV_U32 cause) { int queue; ETH_RX_POLICY* pRxPolicy = (ETH_RX_POLICY*)pRxPolHndl; #ifdef MV_RT_DEBUG if(cause == 0) { mvOsPrintf("EthRxPolicy: port #%d, unexpected cause=0x%x\n", pRxPolicy->port, cause); return MV_INVALID; } #endif /* MV_RT_DEBUG */ if(pRxPolicy->rxPrioMode == MV_ETH_PRIO_FIXED) { for(queue=(MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM-1); queue>=0; queue--) { if(cause & (ETH_CAUSE_RX_READY_MASK(queue))) return queue; } } else { /* Check Current RX queue */ if(cause & ETH_CAUSE_RX_READY_MASK(pRxPolicy->rxCurQ)) { if(pRxPolicy->rxCurQuota > 0) { pRxPolicy->rxCurQuota -= 1; return pRxPolicy->rxCurQ; } } /* Look for next RX Queue */ while(MV_TRUE) { if(pRxPolicy->rxCurQ == 0) pRxPolicy->rxCurQ = MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM-1; else pRxPolicy->rxCurQ -= 1; if( ((cause & ETH_CAUSE_RX_READY_MASK(pRxPolicy->rxCurQ)) != 0) && (pRxPolicy->rxQuota[pRxPolicy->rxCurQ] != 0) ) { pRxPolicy->rxCurQuota = pRxPolicy->rxQuota[pRxPolicy->rxCurQ]-1; return pRxPolicy->rxCurQ; } } } return MV_INVALID; } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** TX Policy **************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ ETH_TX_POLICY* txPolicy[MV_ETH_MAX_PORTS]; /******************************************************************************* * mvEthTxPolicyInit - Initialize TX policy component. * * DESCRIPTION: * Create TX policy database for ethernet port, set to it to default * values and return port handle. * * INPUT: * int port - Ethernet port number * * * RETURN: * void* pTxPolHndl - TX Policy component handler * *******************************************************************************/ void* mvEthTxPolicyInit(int port, MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_ENTRY* pDefPolicy) { int daIdx; if( (port < 0) || (port >= mvCtrlEthMaxPortGet()) ) { mvOsPrintf("ethTxPolicy: port #%d is not exist\n", port); return NULL; } txPolicy[port] = mvOsMalloc(sizeof(ETH_TX_POLICY)); if(txPolicy[port] == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("ethTxPolicy: Port #%d, Can't allocate %lu bytes\n", port, sizeof(ETH_TX_POLICY)); return NULL; } /* Set defaults */ memset(txPolicy[port], 0, sizeof(ETH_TX_POLICY)); txPolicy[port]->port = port; mvEthTxPolicyDef(txPolicy[port],pDefPolicy); /* Invalidate all entries */ txPolicy[port]->txPolMaxDa = 0; for(daIdx=0; daIdxtxPolDa[daIdx].policy.txQ = MV_INVALID; return txPolicy[port]; } /* Get TX policy handler for specific port */ void* mvEthTxPolicyHndlGet(int port) { return txPolicy[port]; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthTxPolicyDef - Set TX default policy. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function configures TX default policy for packets that * there is no information for them * * INPUT: * void* pTxPolHndl - TX Policy component handler * MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_ENTRY policy - Default TX policy * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthTxPolicyDef(void* pTxPolHndl, MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_ENTRY* pPolicy) { ETH_TX_POLICY* pTxPolicy = (ETH_TX_POLICY*)pTxPolHndl; /* if Tx header exist */ if(pPolicy->pHeader != NULL) { /* allocate memory for header */ pTxPolicy->txPolDef.pHeader = mvOsMalloc(pPolicy->headerSize ); if(pTxPolicy->txPolDef.pHeader == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("mvEthTxPolicyDef: Alloc failed \n"); return MV_FAIL; } /* copy header */ memcpy(pTxPolicy->txPolDef.pHeader, pPolicy->pHeader , pPolicy->headerSize ); pTxPolicy->txPolDef.headerSize = pPolicy->headerSize; } else { pTxPolicy->txPolDef.pHeader = NULL; pTxPolicy->txPolDef.headerSize = 0; } pTxPolicy->txPolDef.txQ = pPolicy->txQ; return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthTxPolicyAdd - Add TX policy for packets with special MAC DA. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function adds TX policy for outgoing packets with special MAC DAs. * Support up to 16 entries. * * INPUT: * void* pTxPolHndl - TX Policy component handler * MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_MACDA daPolicy - TX policy for outgoing packets * with specific MACDA * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthTxPolicyAdd(void* pTxPolHndl, MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_MACDA* pDaPolicy) { int idx, firstEmptyIdx = MV_INVALID; ETH_TX_POLICY* pTxPolicy = (ETH_TX_POLICY*)pTxPolHndl; for(idx=0; idxtxPolDa[idx].policy.txQ != MV_INVALID) && ( memcmp(pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].macDa, pDaPolicy->macDa, MV_MAC_ADDR_SIZE) == 0) ) { /* entry already exist - so replace */ firstEmptyIdx = idx; break; } if( (firstEmptyIdx == MV_INVALID) && (pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].policy.txQ == MV_INVALID) ) { firstEmptyIdx = idx; } } if(firstEmptyIdx != MV_INVALID) { memcpy(pTxPolicy->txPolDa[firstEmptyIdx].macDa, pDaPolicy->macDa, MV_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); /* if Tx header exist */ if(pDaPolicy->policy.pHeader != NULL) { /* allocate memory for header */ pTxPolicy->txPolDa[firstEmptyIdx].policy.pHeader = mvOsMalloc(pDaPolicy->policy.headerSize ); if(pTxPolicy->txPolDa[firstEmptyIdx].policy.pHeader == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("ethTxPolicy: Alloc failed \n"); return MV_FAIL; } /* copy header */ memcpy(pTxPolicy->txPolDa[firstEmptyIdx].policy.pHeader , pDaPolicy->policy.pHeader , pDaPolicy->policy.headerSize ); pTxPolicy->txPolDa[firstEmptyIdx].policy.headerSize = pDaPolicy->policy.headerSize; } else { pTxPolicy->txPolDa[firstEmptyIdx].policy.pHeader = NULL; pTxPolicy->txPolDa[firstEmptyIdx].policy.headerSize = 0; } pTxPolicy->txPolDa[firstEmptyIdx].policy.txQ = pDaPolicy->policy.txQ; if(firstEmptyIdx >= pTxPolicy->txPolMaxDa) pTxPolicy->txPolMaxDa = firstEmptyIdx + 1; return MV_OK; } mvOsPrintf("ethTxPolicy: Can't add more MACDA entries\n"); return MV_FULL; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthTxPolicyDel - Delete TX policy for packets with special MACDA. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function deletes existing TX policy for outgoing packets with * special MAC DAs.. * * INPUT: * void* pTxPolHndl - TX Policy component handler * MV_U8* pMacAddr - Pointer to MACDA for the entry will be deleted. * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthTxPolicyDel(void* pTxPolHndl, MV_U8* pMacAddr) { int idx; ETH_TX_POLICY* pTxPolicy = (ETH_TX_POLICY*)pTxPolHndl; for(idx=0; idxtxPolMaxDa; idx++) { if( (pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].policy.txQ != MV_INVALID) && (memcmp(pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].macDa, pMacAddr, MV_MAC_ADDR_SIZE) == 0) ) { /* Entry found */ pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].policy.txQ = MV_INVALID; if(pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].policy.pHeader != NULL) { mvOsFree(pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].policy.pHeader); pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].policy.pHeader = NULL; pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].policy.headerSize = 0; } if(idx == (pTxPolicy->txPolMaxDa - 1)) pTxPolicy->txPolMaxDa--; /* Decrease table */ while( (pTxPolicy->txPolMaxDa > 0) && (pTxPolicy->txPolDa[pTxPolicy->txPolMaxDa-1].policy.txQ == MV_INVALID) ) pTxPolicy->txPolMaxDa--; return MV_OK; } } mvOsPrintf("ethTxPolicy: Can't delete the MACDA entry\n"); return MV_NO_SUCH; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthDATxPolicyGet - Get TX policy of ethernet port for the outgoing packet, * base on the DA. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function return an existing TX policy for specific MACs. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHndl - Pointer to port specific handler * MV_U8* MAC - Pointer to DA MAC. * * OUTPUT: * MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_ENTRY* pTxPolEntry - pointer to TX policy entry for * this packet * * RETURN: * int txQ - TX queue to place the outgoing packet. * *******************************************************************************/ static int mvEthDATxPolicyGet(void* pTxPolicyHndl, MV_U8* pDA, MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_ENTRY* pTxPolicyEntry) { int idx=0; ETH_TX_POLICY* pTxPolicy = (ETH_TX_POLICY*)pTxPolicyHndl; MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_ENTRY* pPolicy = &pTxPolicy->txPolDef; while(idx < pTxPolicy->txPolMaxDa) { if( (pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].policy.txQ != MV_INVALID) && (memcmp(pDA, pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].macDa, MV_MAC_ADDR_SIZE) == 0) ) { pPolicy = &pTxPolicy->txPolDa[idx].policy; break; } idx++; } /* if valid entry found */ if(idx < pTxPolicy->txPolMaxDa) { if(pTxPolicyEntry != NULL) { pTxPolicyEntry->pHeader = pPolicy->pHeader; pTxPolicyEntry->headerSize = pPolicy->headerSize; pTxPolicyEntry->txQ = pPolicy->txQ; } return pPolicy->txQ; } else /* if no entry found - use defaults*/ { if(pTxPolicyEntry != NULL) { pTxPolicyEntry->pHeader = pTxPolicy->txPolDef.pHeader; pTxPolicyEntry->headerSize = pTxPolicy->txPolDef.headerSize; pTxPolicyEntry->txQ = pTxPolicy->txPolDef.txQ; } return pTxPolicy->txPolDef.txQ; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthTxPolicyGet - Get TX policy of ethernet port for the outgoing packet. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function gets existing TX policy for outgoing packets. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHndl - Pointer to port specific handler * MV_U8* pPktInfo - Pointer to outgoing packet * * OUTPUT: * MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_ENTRY* pTxPolEntry - pointer to TX policy entry for * this packet * * RETURN: * int txQ - TX queue to place the outgoing packet. * *******************************************************************************/ int mvEthTxPolicyGet(void* pTxPolicyHndl, MV_U8* pData, MV_ETH_TX_POLICY_ENTRY* pTxPolicyEntry) { /* extract the destination MAC address */ return mvEthDATxPolicyGet(pTxPolicyHndl, pData, pTxPolicyEntry); }