/******************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates This software file (the "File") is owned and distributed by Marvell International Ltd. and/or its affiliates ("Marvell") under the following alternative licensing terms. 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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Marvell nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvCesa.h - Header File for Cryptographic Engines and Security Accelerator * * DESCRIPTION: * This header file contains macros typedefs and function declaration for * the Marvell Cryptographic Engines and Security Accelerator. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __mvCesa_h__ #define __mvCesa_h__ #include "mvOs.h" #include "mvCommon.h" #include "mvDebug.h" #include "ctrlEnv/mvCtrlEnvSpec.h" #include "cesa/mvMD5.h" #include "cesa/mvSHA1.h" #include "cesa/mvCesa.h" #include "cesa/AES/mvAes.h" #include "mvSysHwConfig.h" #ifdef MV_INCLUDE_IDMA #include "idma/mvIdma.h" #include "idma/mvIdmaRegs.h" #else /* Redefine MV_DMA_DESC structure */ typedef struct _mvDmaDesc { MV_U32 byteCnt; /* The total number of bytes to transfer */ MV_U32 phySrcAdd; /* The physical source address */ MV_U32 phyDestAdd; /* The physical destination address */ MV_U32 phyNextDescPtr; /* If we are using chain mode DMA transfer, */ /* then this pointer should point to the */ /* physical address of the next descriptor, */ /* otherwise it should be NULL. */ }MV_DMA_DESC; #endif /* MV_INCLUDE_IDMA */ #include "cesa/mvCesaRegs.h" #define MV_CESA_AUTH_BLOCK_SIZE 64 /* bytes */ #define MV_CESA_MD5_DIGEST_SIZE 16 /* bytes */ #define MV_CESA_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE 20 /* bytes */ #define MV_CESA_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE MV_CESA_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE #define MV_CESA_DES_KEY_LENGTH 8 /* bytes = 64 bits */ #define MV_CESA_3DES_KEY_LENGTH 24 /* bytes = 192 bits */ #define MV_CESA_AES_128_KEY_LENGTH 16 /* bytes = 128 bits */ #define MV_CESA_AES_192_KEY_LENGTH 24 /* bytes = 192 bits */ #define MV_CESA_AES_256_KEY_LENGTH 32 /* bytes = 256 bits */ #define MV_CESA_MAX_CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH MV_CESA_AES_256_KEY_LENGTH #define MV_CESA_DES_BLOCK_SIZE 8 /* bytes = 64 bits */ #define MV_CESA_3DES_BLOCK_SIZE 8 /* bytes = 64 bits */ #define MV_CESA_AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16 /* bytes = 128 bits */ #define MV_CESA_MAX_IV_LENGTH MV_CESA_AES_BLOCK_SIZE #define MV_CESA_MAX_MAC_KEY_LENGTH 64 /* bytes */ typedef struct { MV_U8 cryptoKey[MV_CESA_MAX_CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH]; MV_U8 macKey[MV_CESA_MAX_MAC_KEY_LENGTH]; MV_CESA_OPERATION operation; MV_CESA_DIRECTION direction; MV_CESA_CRYPTO_ALG cryptoAlgorithm; MV_CESA_CRYPTO_MODE cryptoMode; MV_U8 cryptoKeyLength; MV_CESA_MAC_MODE macMode; MV_U8 macKeyLength; MV_U8 digestSize; } MV_CESA_OPEN_SESSION; typedef struct { MV_BUF_INFO *pFrags; MV_U16 numFrags; MV_U16 mbufSize; } MV_CESA_MBUF; typedef struct { void* pReqPrv; /* instead of reqId */ MV_U32 retCode; MV_16 sessionId; } MV_CESA_RESULT; typedef void (*MV_CESA_CALLBACK) (MV_CESA_RESULT* pResult); typedef struct { void* pReqPrv; /* instead of reqId */ MV_CESA_MBUF* pSrc; MV_CESA_MBUF* pDst; MV_CESA_CALLBACK* pFuncCB; MV_16 sessionId; MV_U16 ivFromUser; MV_U16 ivOffset; MV_U16 cryptoOffset; MV_U16 cryptoLength; MV_U16 digestOffset; MV_U16 macOffset; MV_U16 macLength; MV_BOOL skipFlush; } MV_CESA_COMMAND; MV_STATUS mvCesaHalInit (int numOfSession, int queueDepth, char* pSramBase, MV_U32 cryptEngBase, void *osHandle); MV_STATUS mvCesaFinish (void); MV_STATUS mvCesaSessionOpen(MV_CESA_OPEN_SESSION *pSession, short* pSid); MV_STATUS mvCesaSessionClose(short sid); MV_STATUS mvCesaCryptoIvSet(MV_U8* pIV, int ivSize); MV_STATUS mvCesaAction (MV_CESA_COMMAND* pCmd); MV_U32 mvCesaInProcessGet(void); MV_STATUS mvCesaReadyDispatch(void); MV_STATUS mvCesaReadyGet(MV_CESA_RESULT* pResult); MV_BOOL mvCesaIsReady(void); int mvCesaMbufOffset(MV_CESA_MBUF* pMbuf, int offset, int* pBufOffset); MV_STATUS mvCesaCopyFromMbuf(MV_U8* pDst, MV_CESA_MBUF* pSrcMbuf, int offset, int size); MV_STATUS mvCesaCopyToMbuf(MV_U8* pSrc, MV_CESA_MBUF* pDstMbuf, int offset, int size); MV_STATUS mvCesaMbufCopy(MV_CESA_MBUF* pMbufDst, int dstMbufOffset, MV_CESA_MBUF* pMbufSrc, int srcMbufOffset, int size); MV_STATUS mvCesaUpdateSADSize(MV_U32 size); /********** Debug functions ********/ void mvCesaDebugMbuf(const char* str, MV_CESA_MBUF *pMbuf, int offset, int size); void mvCesaDebugSA(short sid, int mode); void mvCesaDebugStats(void); void mvCesaDebugStatsClear(void); void mvCesaDebugRegs(void); void mvCesaDebugStatus(void); void mvCesaDebugQueue(int mode); void mvCesaDebugSram(int mode); void mvCesaDebugSAD(int mode); /******** CESA Private definitions ********/ #if (MV_CESA_VERSION >= 2) #if (MV_CACHE_COHERENCY == MV_CACHE_COHER_SW) #define MV_CESA_TDMA_CTRL_VALUE MV_CESA_TDMA_DST_BURST_MASK(MV_CESA_TDMA_BURST_128B) \ | MV_CESA_TDMA_SRC_BURST_MASK(MV_CESA_TDMA_BURST_128B) \ | MV_CESA_TDMA_OUTSTAND_READ_EN_MASK \ | MV_CESA_TDMA_NO_BYTE_SWAP_MASK \ | MV_CESA_TDMA_ENABLE_MASK #else #define MV_CESA_TDMA_CTRL_VALUE MV_CESA_TDMA_DST_BURST_MASK(MV_CESA_TDMA_BURST_32B) \ | MV_CESA_TDMA_SRC_BURST_MASK(MV_CESA_TDMA_BURST_128B) \ /*| MV_CESA_TDMA_OUTSTAND_READ_EN_MASK */\ | MV_CESA_TDMA_ENABLE_MASK #endif #else #define MV_CESA_IDMA_CTRL_LOW_VALUE ICCLR_DST_BURST_LIM_128BYTE \ | ICCLR_SRC_BURST_LIM_128BYTE \ | ICCLR_INT_MODE_MASK \ | ICCLR_BLOCK_MODE \ | ICCLR_CHAN_ENABLE \ | ICCLR_DESC_MODE_16M #endif /* MV_CESA_VERSION >= 2 */ #define MV_CESA_MAX_PKT_SIZE (64 * 1024) #define MV_CESA_MAX_MBUF_FRAGS 20 #define MV_CESA_MAX_REQ_FRAGS ( (MV_CESA_MAX_PKT_SIZE / MV_CESA_MAX_BUF_SIZE) + 1) #define MV_CESA_MAX_DMA_DESC (MV_CESA_MAX_MBUF_FRAGS*2 + 5) #define MAX_CESA_CHAIN_LENGTH 20 typedef enum { MV_CESA_IDLE = 0, MV_CESA_PENDING, MV_CESA_PROCESS, MV_CESA_READY, #if (MV_CESA_VERSION >= 3) MV_CESA_CHAIN, #endif } MV_CESA_STATE; /* Session database */ /* Map of Key materials of the session in SRAM. * Each field must be 8 byte aligned * Total size: 32 + 24 + 24 = 80 bytes */ typedef struct { MV_U8 cryptoKey[MV_CESA_MAX_CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH]; MV_U8 macInnerIV[MV_CESA_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE]; MV_U8 reservedInner[4]; MV_U8 macOuterIV[MV_CESA_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE]; MV_U8 reservedOuter[4]; } MV_CESA_SRAM_SA; typedef struct { MV_CESA_SRAM_SA* pSramSA; MV_U8* sramSABuff; /* holds initial allocation virtual address */ MV_U32 sramSABuffSize; MV_ULONG sramSAPhysAddr; /* holds initial allocation physical address */ MV_U32 memHandle; MV_U32 config; MV_U8 cryptoKeyLength; MV_U8 cryptoIvSize; MV_U8 cryptoBlockSize; MV_U8 digestSize; MV_U8 macKeyLength; MV_U8 ctrMode; MV_U32 count; } MV_CESA_SA; /* DMA list management */ typedef struct { MV_DMA_DESC* pDmaFirst; MV_DMA_DESC* pDmaLast; } MV_CESA_DMA; typedef struct { MV_U8 numFrag; MV_U8 nextFrag; int bufOffset; int cryptoSize; int macSize; int newDigestOffset; MV_U8 orgDigest[MV_CESA_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE]; } MV_CESA_FRAGS; /* Request queue */ typedef struct { MV_U8 state; MV_U8 fragMode; MV_U8 fixOffset; MV_CESA_COMMAND* pCmd; MV_CESA_COMMAND* pOrgCmd; MV_BUF_INFO dmaDescBuf; MV_CESA_DMA dma[MV_CESA_MAX_REQ_FRAGS]; MV_BUF_INFO cesaDescBuf; MV_CESA_DESC* pCesaDesc; MV_CESA_FRAGS frags; } MV_CESA_REQ; /* SRAM map */ /* Total SRAM size calculation */ /* SRAM size = * MV_CESA_MAX_BUF_SIZE + * sizeof(MV_CESA_DESC) + * MV_CESA_MAX_IV_LENGTH + * MV_CESA_MAX_IV_LENGTH + * MV_CESA_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE + * sizeof(MV_CESA_SRAM_SA) * = 1600 + 32 + 16 + 16 + 24 + 80 + 280 (reserved) = 2048 bytes * = 3200 + 32 + 16 + 16 + 24 + 80 + 728 (reserved) = 4096 bytes */ typedef struct { MV_U8 buf[MV_CESA_MAX_BUF_SIZE]; MV_CESA_DESC desc; MV_U8 cryptoIV[MV_CESA_MAX_IV_LENGTH]; MV_U8 tempCryptoIV[MV_CESA_MAX_IV_LENGTH]; MV_U8 tempDigest[MV_CESA_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE+4]; MV_CESA_SRAM_SA sramSA; } MV_CESA_SRAM_MAP; typedef struct { MV_U32 openedCount; MV_U32 closedCount; MV_U32 fragCount; MV_U32 reqCount; MV_U32 maxReqCount; MV_U32 procCount; MV_U32 readyCount; MV_U32 notReadyCount; MV_U32 startCount; #if (MV_CESA_VERSION >= 3) MV_U32 maxChainUsage; #endif } MV_CESA_STATS; /* External variables */ extern MV_CESA_STATS cesaStats; extern MV_CESA_FRAGS cesaFrags; extern MV_BUF_INFO cesaSramSaBuf; extern MV_CESA_SA** pCesaSAD; extern MV_U32 cesaMaxSA; extern MV_CESA_REQ* pCesaReqFirst; extern MV_CESA_REQ* pCesaReqLast; extern MV_CESA_REQ* pCesaReqEmpty; extern MV_CESA_REQ* pCesaReqProcess; extern int cesaQueueDepth; extern int cesaReqResources; #if (MV_CESA_VERSION>= 3) extern MV_U32 cesaChainLength; #endif extern MV_CESA_SRAM_MAP* cesaSramVirtPtr; extern MV_U32 cesaSramPhysAddr; static INLINE MV_ULONG mvCesaVirtToPhys(MV_BUF_INFO* pBufInfo, void* pVirt) { return (pBufInfo->bufPhysAddr + ((MV_U8*)pVirt - pBufInfo->bufVirtPtr)); } /* Additional DEBUG functions */ void mvCesaDebugSramSA(MV_CESA_SRAM_SA* pSramSA, int mode); void mvCesaDebugCmd(MV_CESA_COMMAND* pCmd, int mode); void mvCesaDebugDescriptor(MV_CESA_DESC* pDesc); #endif /* __mvCesa_h__ */