/******************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates This software file (the "File") is owned and distributed by Marvell International Ltd. and/or its affiliates ("Marvell") under the following alternative licensing terms. 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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Marvell nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ #define _ASMLANGUAGE #define MV_ASMLANGUAGE #include "mvSysHwConfig.h" #include "mvOsAsm.h" #include "boardEnv/mvBoardEnvSpec.h" #include "ctrlEnv/sys/mvCpuIfRegs.h" #include "mvDramIfConfig.h" #include "mvDramIfRegs.h" #include "pex/mvPexRegs.h" #include "ctrlEnv/mvCtrlEnvSpec.h" #include "ctrlEnv/mvCtrlEnvAsm.h" #include "mvCommon.h" /* defines */ #if defined(MV_STATIC_DRAM_ON_BOARD) /****************************************************************************** * static definitions for several dimms *******************************************************************************/ #if defined(DB_MV78XX0) || defined(MV78200) #if defined(MV78100) /* DDR2 boards 512MB 333MHz */ #define STATIC_SDRAM0_BANK0_SIZE 0x1ffffff1 /* 0x1504 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_CONFIG 0x43048C30 /* 0x1400 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_MODE 0x00000652 /* 0x141c */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_LOW 0x38543000 /* 0x1404 */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_HI 0x0000FFFF /* 0x1424 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL 0x00000088 /* 0x1410 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_LOW 0x22125441 /* 0x1408 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_HI 0x00000A29 /* 0x140c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_LOW 0x84210000 /* 0x1494 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_HI 0x00000000 /* 0x1498 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL 0x0000E80F /* 0x149c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_EXT_MODE 0x00000040 /* 0x1420 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_LO 0x00085520 /* 0x1428 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_HI 0x00008552 /* 0x147C */ #elif defined(MV78200) /* 512MB per CD, 800Mhz cl5 */ #define STATIC_DRAM_BANK_CS0 #define STATIC_DRAM_BANK_CS2 #define STATIC_SDRAM0_BANK0_SIZE 0x1ffffff1 /* 0x1504 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM1_BANK0_SIZE 0x1ffffff9 /* 0x1514 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM1_BANK0_BASE 0x20000000 /* 0x1510 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_CONFIG 0x43008C30 /* 0x1400 */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_LOW 0x37543010 /* 0x1404 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_LOW 0x22125441 /* 0x1408 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_HI 0x00000A29 /* 0x140c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL 0x00008888 /* 0x1410 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_MODE 0x00000652 /* 0x141c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_EXT_MODE 0x00000044 /* 0x1420 */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_HI 0x0000FF7F /* 0x1424 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_LO 0x00085520 /* 0x1428 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_HI 0x00008552 /* 0x147C */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_LOW 0x030C030C /* 0x1494 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_HI 0x00000000 /* 0x1498 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL 0x0000F40F /* 0x149c */ #endif #elif defined(DB_MV88F632X) #define STATIC_SDRAM0_BANK0_SIZE 0x1ffffff1 /* 0x1504 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_CONFIG 0x43040C30 /* 0x1400 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_MODE 0x00000652 /* 0x141c */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_LOW 0x38543000 /* 0x1404 */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_HI 0x0000FFFF /* 0x1424 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL 0x00000088 /* 0x1410 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_LOW 0x22125441 /* 0x1408 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_HI 0x00000A29 /* 0x140c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_LOW 0x84210000 /* 0x1494 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_HI 0x00000000 /* 0x1498 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL 0x0000E80F /* 0x149c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_EXT_MODE 0x00000040 /* 0x1420 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_LO 0x00085520 /* 0x1428 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_HI 0x00008552 /* 0x147C */ #elif defined(RD_MV78XX0_AMC) /* On board DDR2 512MB 400MHz CL5 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM0_BANK0_SIZE 0x1ffffff1 /* 0x1504 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_CONFIG 0x43008C30 /* 0x1400 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_MODE 0x00000652 /* 0x141c */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_LOW 0x38543000 /* 0x1404 */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_HI 0x0000F07F /* 0x1424 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL 0x000000DD /* 0x1410 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_LOW 0x23135441 /* 0x1408 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_HI 0x00000A32 /* 0x140c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_LOW 0x84210000 /* 0x1494 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_HI 0x00000000 /* 0x1498 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL 0x0000EB0F /* 0x149c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_EXT_MODE 0x00000040 /* 0x1420 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_LO 0x00085520 /* 0x1428 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_HI 0x00008552 /* 0x147C */ #define STATIC_SDRAM1_BANK0_SIZE 0x0FFFFFF1 /* 0x1514 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM1_BANK0_BASE 0x10000000 /* 0x1510 */ #elif defined(RD_MV78XX0_H3C) /* DDR2 boards 512MB 333MHz */ #define STATIC_SDRAM0_BANK0_SIZE 0x1ffffff1 /* 0x1504 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_CONFIG 0x43048a25 /* 0x1400 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_MODE 0x00000652 /* 0x141c */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_LOW 0x38543000 /* 0x1404 */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_HI 0x0000F07F /* 0x1424 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL 0x00000088 /* 0x1410 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_LOW 0x2202444e /* 0x1408 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_HI 0x00000A22 /* 0x140c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_LOW 0x84210000 /* 0x1494 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_HI 0x00000000 /* 0x1498 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL 0x0000EB0F /* 0x149c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_EXT_MODE 0x00000040 /* 0x1420 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_LO 0x00085520 /* 0x1428 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_HI 0x00008552 /* 0x147C */ #elif defined(RD_MV78XX0_PCAC) /* DDR2 boards 256MB 200MHz */ #define STATIC_SDRAM0_BANK0_SIZE 0x0ffffff1 /* 0x1504 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_CONFIG 0x43000a25 /* 0x1400 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_MODE 0x00000652 /* 0x141c */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_LOW 0x38543000 /* 0x1404 */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_HI 0x0000F07F /* 0x1424 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL 0x000000DD /* 0x1410 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_LOW 0x2202444e /* 0x1408 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_HI 0x00000822 /* 0x140c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_LOW 0x84210000 /* 0x1494 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_HI 0x00000000 /* 0x1498 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL 0x0000EB0F /* 0x149c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_EXT_MODE 0x00000040 /* 0x1420 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_LO 0x00085520 /* 0x1428 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_HI 0x00008552 /* 0x147C */ #else /* DDR2 MV88F6281 boards 256MB 400MHz */ #define STATIC_SDRAM0_BANK0_SIZE 0x0FFFFFF1 /* 0x1504 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_CONFIG 0x43000c30 /* 0x1400 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_MODE 0x00000C52 /* 0x141c */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_LOW 0x39543000 /* 0x1404 */ #define STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_HI 0x0000F1FF /* 0x1424 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL 0x000000cc /* 0x1410 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_LOW 0x22125451 /* 0x1408 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_HI 0x00000A33 /* 0x140c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_LOW 0x003C0000 /* 0x1494 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_HI 0x00000000 /* 0x1498 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL 0x0000F80F /* 0x149c */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_EXT_MODE 0x00000042 /* 0x1420 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_LO 0x00085520 /* 0x1428 */ #define STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_HI 0x00008552 /* 0x147C */ #endif /* MV78XX0 */ #endif /* MV_STATIC_DRAM_ON_BOARD */ .globl dramBoot1 dramBoot1: .word 0 /************************************************************* * basic timing init **************************************************************/ .globl _mvDramInitTiming _mvDramInitTiming: /* Set Dunit high control register */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_DUNIT_CTRL_HI_REG) orr r6, r6, #BIT7 /* SDRAM__D2P_EN */ orr r6, r6, #BIT8 /* SDRAM__P2D_EN */ #ifdef MV78XX0 orr r6, r6, #BIT9 /* SDRAM__ADD_HALF_FCC_EN */ orr r6, r6, #BIT10 /* SDRAM__PUP_ZERO_SKEW_EN */ orr r6, r6, #BIT11 /* SDRAM__WR_MASH_DELAY_EN */ #endif MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_DUNIT_CTRL_HI_REG) #ifdef MV78XX0 MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_DUNIT_CTRL_REG) orr r6, r6, #BIT4 /* Enable 2T mode */ bic r6, r6, #BIT6 /* clear ctrlPos */ MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_DUNIT_CTRL_REG) #endif /*DDR SDRAM Initialization Control */ ldr r6, =DSICR_INIT_EN MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r1, DDR_SDRAM_INIT_CTRL_REG) 2: MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r1, DDR_SDRAM_INIT_CTRL_REG) and r6, r6, #DSICR_INIT_EN cmp r6, #0 bne 2b mov pc, lr #if defined(MV_STATIC_DRAM_ON_BOARD) /************************************************************* * basic init for static DRAM (on board dram no SPD) **************************************************************/ .globl _mvDramIfStaticInit _mvDramIfStaticInit: mov r11, LR /* Save link register */ mov r10, r2 bl _mvDramInitTiming /* If we boot from NAND jump to DRAM address */ mov r5, #1 ldr r6, =dramBoot1 str r5, [r6] /* We started executing from DRAM */ ldr r6, dramBoot1 cmp r6, #0 bne 1f /* set all dram windows to 0 */ mov r6, #0 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,0)) MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,1)) MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,3)) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM0_BANK0_SIZE MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,0)) #ifdef STATIC_DRAM_BANK_CS2 ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM1_BANK0_SIZE MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM1_BANK0_BASE MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, SDRAM_BASE_ADDR_REG (0,2)) #endif /* set all dram configuration in temp registers */ ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM0_BANK0_SIZE MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG0) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_CONFIG MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG1) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_MODE MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG2) ldr r6, = STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_LOW MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG3) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG4) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_LOW MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG5) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_TIME_CTRL_HI MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG6) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_LOW MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG7) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_HI MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG8) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG9) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_EXT_MODE MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG10) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_LO MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG11) ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_DDR2_TIMING_HI MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG12) #ifndef MV_NAND_BOOT ldr r6, = STATIC_DUNIT_CTRL_HI MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG13) #endif ldr sp,=0 bl _mvDramIfConfig ldr r0, =0 #ifdef MV78XX0 bl _mvDramIfEccMemInit #ifdef STATIC_DRAM_BANK_CS2 ldr r0, =2 bl _mvDramIfEccMemInit #endif ldr r0, =0 #endif 1: mov r2, r10 mov PC, r11 /* r11 is saved link register */ #else /* #if defined(MV_STATIC_DRAM_ON_BOARD) */ /******************************************************************************* * mvDramIfBasicInit - Basic initialization of DRAM interface * * DESCRIPTION: * The function will initialize the DRAM for basic usage. The function * will use the TWSI assembly API to extract DIMM parameters according * to which DRAM interface will be initialized. * The function referes to the following DRAM parameters: * 1) DIMM is registered or not. * 2) DIMM width detection. * 3) DIMM density. * * INPUT: * r3 - required size for initial DRAM. * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: * None. * * Note: * r4 holds I2C EEPROM address * r5 holds SDRAM register base address * r7 holds returned values * r8 holds SDRAM various configuration registers value. * r11 holds return function address. *******************************************************************************/ /* Setting the offsets of the I2C registers */ #define DIMM_TYPE_OFFSET 2 #define NUM_OF_ROWS_OFFSET 3 #define NUM_OF_COLS_OFFSET 4 #define NUM_OF_RANKS 5 #define DIMM_CONFIG_TYPE 11 #define SDRAM_WIDTH_OFFSET 13 #define NUM_OF_BANKS_OFFSET 17 #define SUPPORTED_CL_OFFSET 18 #define DIMM_TYPE_INFO_OFFSET 20 /* DDR2 only */ #define SDRAM_MODULES_ATTR_OFFSET 21 #define RANK_SIZE_OFFSET 31 #define DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_128M 128 #define DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_256M 256 #define DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_512M 512 #define DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_1G 1024 #define DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_2G 2048 #define DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_128M 0x20 #define DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_256M 0x40 #define DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_512M 0x80 #define DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_1G 0x1 #define DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_2G 0x2 .globl _mvDramIfBasicInit .extern _i2cInit _mvDramIfBasicInit: mov r11, LR /* Save link register */ bl _mvDramInitTiming mov r5, #1 ldr r8, =dramBoot1 str r5, [r8] /* We started executing from DRAM */ /* If we boot from NAND jump to DRAM address */ ldr r8, dramBoot1 cmp r8, #0 movne pc, r11 bl _i2cInit /* Initialize TWSI master */ /* Check if we have more then 1 dimm */ ldr r6, =0 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r1, DRAM_BUF_REG14) #ifdef MV78XX0 bl _is_Second_Dimm_Exist beq single_dimm ldr r6, =1 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r1, DRAM_BUF_REG14) single_dimm: bl _i2cInit /* Initialize TWSI master */ #endif /* Get default SDRAM Config values */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r8, r5, SDRAM_CONFIG_REG) /* Get registered/non registered info from DIMM */ bl _is_Registered beq nonRegistered setRegistered: orr r8, r8, #SDRAM_REGISTERED /* Set registered bit(17) */ nonRegistered: #if defined(MV78XX0) && !defined(MV632X) /* Get ECC/non ECC info from DIMM */ bl _is_Ecc beq setConfigReg setEcc: orr r8, r8, #SDRAM_ECC_EN /* Set ecc bit(18) */ #endif setConfigReg: MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r8, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG1) /* Set maximum CL supported by DIMM */ bl _get_CAL /* r7 is DIMM supported CAS (e.g: 3 --> 0x1C) */ clz r6, r7 rsb r6, r6, #31 /* r6 = the bit number of MAX CAS supported */ casDdr2: ldr r7, =0x41 /* stBurstInDel|stBurstOutDel field value */ ldr r3, =0x53 /* stBurstInDel|stBurstOutDel registered value*/ ldr r8, =0x32 /* Assuming MAX CL = 3 */ cmp r6, #3 /* If CL = 3 break */ beq casDdr2Cont ldr r7, =0x53 /* stBurstInDel|stBurstOutDel field value */ ldr r3, =0x65 /* stBurstInDel|stBurstOutDel registered value*/ ldr r8, =0x42 /* Assuming MAX CL = 4 */ cmp r6, #4 /* If CL = 4 break */ beq casDdr2Cont ldr r7, =0x65 /* stBurstInDel|stBurstOutDel field value */ ldr r3, =0x77 /* stBurstInDel|stBurstOutDel registered value*/ ldr r8, =0x52 /* Assuming MAX CL = 5 */ cmp r6, #5 /* If CL = 5 break */ beq casDdr2Cont ldr r7, =0x77 /* stBurstInDel|stBurstOutDel field value */ ldr r3, =0x89 /* stBurstInDel|stBurstOutDel registered value*/ ldr r8, =0x62 /* Assuming MAX CL = 6 */ cmp r6, #6 /* If CL = 5 break */ beq casDdr2Cont /* This is an error. return */ b exit_ddrAutoConfig /* This is an error !! */ casDdr2Cont: /* Get default SDRAM Mode values */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_MODE_REG) bic r6, r6, #(BIT6 | BIT5 | BIT4) /* Clear CL filed */ orr r6, r6, r8 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG2) /* Set Dunit control register according to max CL detected */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG1) tst r6, #SDRAM_REGISTERED beq setDunitReg mov r7, r3 setDunitReg: #ifdef MV78XX0 /* Set SDRAM Extended Mode register for double DIMM */ /* Check DRAM frequency for more then 267MHz set ODT Rtt to 50ohm */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r4, r5, CPU_RESET_SAMPLE_L_REG) ldr r5, =MSAR_SYSCLCK_MASK and r4, r4, r5 ldr r5, =MSAR_SYSCLCK_333 cmp r4, r5 ble Clock333 add r7, r7, #0x10 Clock333: #endif MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_DUNIT_CTRL_REG) bic r6, r6, #(0xff << 20) /* Clear SBout and SBin */ orr r6, r6, #BIT4 /* Enable 2T mode */ bic r6, r6, #BIT6 /* clear ctrlPos */ orr r6, r6, r7, LSL #20 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG3) /* Set Dunit high control register */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_DUNIT_CTRL_HI_REG) orr r6, r6, #BIT7 /* SDRAM__D2P_EN */ orr r6, r6, #BIT8 /* SDRAM__P2D_EN */ #ifdef MV78XX0 orr r6, r6, #BIT9 /* SDRAM__ADD_HALF_FCC_EN */ orr r6, r6, #BIT10 /* SDRAM__PUP_ZERO_SKEW_EN */ orr r6, r6, #BIT11 /* SDRAM__WR_MASH_DELAY_EN */ #endif MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG13) /* DIMM density configuration*/ /* Density = (1 << (rowNum + colNum)) * dramWidth * dramBankNum */ Density: /* Get bank 0 and 1 density */ ldr r6, =0 bl _getDensity mov r8, r7 mov r8, r8, LSR #20 /* Move density 20 bits to the right */ /* For example 0x10000000 --> 0x1000 */ mov r3, #(SDRAM_DSIZE_256Mb(0) | SDRAM_DSIZE_256Mb(1)) cmp r8, #DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_256M beq get_bank_2_density mov r3, #(SDRAM_DSIZE_512Mb(0) | SDRAM_DSIZE_512Mb(1)) cmp r8, #DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_512M beq get_bank_2_density mov r3, #(SDRAM_DSIZE_1Gb(0) | SDRAM_DSIZE_1Gb(1)) cmp r8, #DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_1G beq get_bank_2_density mov r3, #(SDRAM_DSIZE_2Gb(0) | SDRAM_DSIZE_2Gb(1)) cmp r8, #DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_2G beq get_bank_2_density /* This is an error. return */ b exit_ddrAutoConfig get_bank_2_density: /* Check for second dimm */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r1, DRAM_BUF_REG14) cmp r6, #1 bne get_width /* Get bank 2 and 3 density */ ldr r6, =2 bl _getDensity mov r8, r7 mov r8, r8, LSR #20 /* Move density 20 bits to the right */ /* For example 0x10000000 --> 0x1000 */ orr r3, r3, #(SDRAM_DSIZE_256Mb(2) | SDRAM_DSIZE_256Mb(3)) cmp r8, #DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_256M beq get_width and r3, r3, #~(SDRAM_DSIZE_MASK(2) | SDRAM_DSIZE_MASK(3)) orr r3, r3, #(SDRAM_DSIZE_512Mb(2) | SDRAM_DSIZE_512Mb(3)) cmp r8, #DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_512M beq get_width and r3, r3, #~(SDRAM_DSIZE_MASK(2) | SDRAM_DSIZE_MASK(3)) orr r3, r3, #(SDRAM_DSIZE_1Gb(2) | SDRAM_DSIZE_1Gb(3)) cmp r8, #DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_1G beq get_width and r3, r3, #~(SDRAM_DSIZE_MASK(2) | SDRAM_DSIZE_MASK(3)) orr r3, r3, #(SDRAM_DSIZE_2Gb(2) | SDRAM_DSIZE_2Gb(3)) cmp r8, #DRAM_DEV_DENSITY_2G beq get_width /* This is an error. return */ b exit_ddrAutoConfig /* Get SDRAM width */ get_width: /* Get bank 0 and 1 width */ ldr r6, =0 bl _get_width cmp r7, #8 /* x8 devices */ beq get_bank_2_width orr r3, r3, #(SDRAM_ADDRSEL_X16(0) | SDRAM_ADDRSEL_X16(1)) /* x16 devices */ cmp r7, #16 beq get_bank_2_width /* This is an error. return */ b exit_ddrAutoConfig get_bank_2_width: /* Check for second dimm */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r1, DRAM_BUF_REG14) cmp r6, #1 bne densCont /* Get bank 2 and 3 width */ ldr r6, =2 bl _get_width cmp r7, #8 /* x8 devices */ beq densCont orr r3, r3, #(SDRAM_ADDRSEL_X16(2) | SDRAM_ADDRSEL_X16(3)) /* x16 devices */ cmp r7, #16 beq densCont /* This is an error. return */ b exit_ddrAutoConfig densCont: MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r3, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG4) /* Set SDRAM timing control low register */ ldr r4, =SDRAM_TIMING_CTRL_LOW_REG_DEFAULT /* MV_REG_READ_ASM (r4, r5, SDRAM_TIMING_CTRL_LOW_REG) */ MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG5) /* Set SDRAM timing control high register */ ldr r6, =SDRAM_TIMING_CTRL_HIGH_REG_DEFAULT MV_REG_READ_ASM (r4, r5, CPU_RESET_SAMPLE_L_REG) ldr r5, =MSAR_SYSCLCK_MASK and r4, r4, r5 ldr r5, =MSAR_SYSCLCK_333 cmp r4, r5 blt timingHighClock333 orr r6, r6, #BIT9 timingHighClock333: /* MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_TIMING_CTRL_HIGH_REG) */ MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG6) /* Check for second dimm */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r1, DRAM_BUF_REG14) cmp r6, #1 bne single_dimm_odt /* Set SDRAM ODT control low register for double DIMM*/ ldr r4, =DDR2_ODT_CTRL_LOW_CS0_CS1_CS2_CS3_DV MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG7) /* Set DUNIT ODT control register for double DIMM */ ldr r4, =DDR2_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL_CS0_CS1_CS2_CS3_DV MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG9) #ifdef MV78XX0 /* Set SDRAM Extended Mode register for double DIMM */ /* Check DRAM frequency for more then 267MHz set ODT Rtt to 50ohm */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r4, r5, CPU_RESET_SAMPLE_L_REG) ldr r5, =MSAR_SYSCLCK_MASK and r4, r4, r5 ldr r5, =MSAR_SYSCLCK_267 cmp r4, r5 beq slow_dram_clock_rtt ldr r5, =MSAR_SYSCLCK_300 cmp r4, r5 beq slow_dram_clock_rtt ldr r5, =MSAR_SYSCLCK_333 cmp r4, r5 beq fast_dram_clock_rtt ldr r5, =MSAR_SYSCLCK_400 cmp r4, r5 beq fast_dram_clock_rtt b slow_dram_clock_rtt fast_dram_clock_rtt: ldr r4, =DDR_SDRAM_EXT_MODE_FAST_CS0_CS1_CS2_CS3_DV MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG10) b odt_config_end #endif slow_dram_clock_rtt: ldr r4, =DDR_SDRAM_EXT_MODE_CS0_CS1_CS2_CS3_DV MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG10) b odt_config_end single_dimm_odt: /* Set SDRAM ODT control low register */ ldr r4, =DDR2_ODT_CTRL_LOW_CS0_CS1_DV MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG7) /* Set DUNIT ODT control register */ ldr r4, =DDR2_DUNIT_ODT_CTRL_CS0_CS1_DV MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG9) /* Set SDRAM Extended Mode register */ ldr r4, =DDR_SDRAM_EXT_MODE_CS0_CS1_DV MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG10) odt_config_end: /* SDRAM ODT control high register is left as default */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r4, r5, DDR2_SDRAM_ODT_CTRL_HIGH_REG) MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG8) /*Read CL and set the DDR2 registers accordingly */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG2) and r6, r6, #SDRAM_CL_MASK mov r4, r6 orr r4, r4, r6, LSL #4 orr r4, r4, r6, LSL #8 orr r4, r4, r6, LSL #12 mov r5, #0x30000 add r4, r4, r5 sub r4, r4, #0x30 /* Set SDRAM Ddr2 Timing Low register */ MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG11) /* Set SDRAM Ddr2 Timing High register */ mov r4, r4, LSR #4 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r4, r5, DRAM_BUF_REG12) timeParamDone: /* Close all windows */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,0)) and r6, r6,#~SCSR_SIZE_MASK and r6, r6,#~1 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,0)) MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,1)) and r6, r6,#~SCSR_SIZE_MASK and r6, r6,#~1 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,1)) MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) and r6, r6,#~SCSR_SIZE_MASK and r6, r6,#~1 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,3)) and r6, r6,#~SCSR_SIZE_MASK and r6, r6,#~1 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,3)) /* Set sdram bank 0 size and enable it */ ldr r6, =0 bl _mvDramIfGetDimmSizeFromSpd #ifdef MV78XX0 /* Check DRAM width */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r4, r5, SDRAM_CONFIG_REG) ldr r5, =SDRAM_DWIDTH_MASK and r4, r4, r5 ldr r5, =SDRAM_DWIDTH_64BIT cmp r4, r5 beq dram_64bit_width /* Utilize only 32bit width */ mov r8, r8, LSR #1 #else /* Utilize only 16bit width */ mov r8, r8, LSR #2 #endif dram_64bit_width: /* Update first dimm size return value R8 */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r5, r6, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,0)) ldr r6, =~SCSR_SIZE_MASK and r5, r5, r6 orr r5, r5, r8 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r5, r8, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,0)) /* Clear bank 2 size */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) and r6, r6,#~SCSR_SIZE_MASK MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) /* Check for second dimm */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r1, DRAM_BUF_REG14) cmp r6, #1 bne defualt_order /* Set sdram bank 2 size */ ldr r6, =2 bl _mvDramIfGetDimmSizeFromSpd #ifdef MV78XX0 /* Check DRAM width */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r4, r5, SDRAM_CONFIG_REG) ldr r5, =SDRAM_DWIDTH_MASK and r4, r4, r5 ldr r5, =SDRAM_DWIDTH_64BIT cmp r4, r5 beq dram_64bit_width2 /* Utilize only 32bit width */ mov r8, r8, LSR #1 #else /* Utilize only 16bit width */ mov r8, r8, LSR #2 #endif dram_64bit_width2: /* Update first dimm size return value R8 */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r5, r6, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) ldr r6, =~SCSR_SIZE_MASK and r5, r5, r6 orr r5, r5, r8 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM(r5, r8, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) /* Close windows 1 and 3 */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,1)) and r6, r6,#~1 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,1)) MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,3)) and r6, r6,#~1 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,3)) /* Check dimm size for setting dram bank order */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,0)) MV_REG_READ_ASM (r4, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) and r6, r6,#SCSR_SIZE_MASK and r4, r4,#SCSR_SIZE_MASK cmp r6, r4 bge defualt_order /* Bank 2 is biger then bank 0 */ ldr r6,=0 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_BASE_ADDR_REG(0,2)) /* Open win 2 */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) orr r6, r6,#1 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,2)) ldr sp,=0 bl _mvDramIfConfig #ifdef MV78XX0 /* Init ECC on CS 2 */ ldr r0, =2 bl _mvDramIfEccMemInit #endif mov PC, r11 /* r11 is saved link register */ defualt_order: /* Open win 0 */ MV_REG_READ_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,0)) orr r6, r6,#1 MV_REG_WRITE_ASM (r6, r5, SDRAM_SIZE_REG(0,0)) ldr sp,=0 bl _mvDramIfConfig #ifdef MV78XX0 /* Init ECC on CS 0 */ ldr r0, =0 bl _mvDramIfEccMemInit #endif exit_ddrAutoConfig: mov PC, r11 /* r11 is saved link register */ /***************************************************************************************/ /* r4 holds I2C EEPROM address * r7 holds I2C EEPROM offset parameter for i2cRead and its --> returned value * r8 holds SDRAM various configuration registers value. * r13 holds Link register */ /**************************/ _getDensity: mov r13, LR /* Save link register */ /* Read SPD rank size from DIMM0 */ mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM0_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM0 */ cmp r6, #0 beq 1f /* Read SPD rank size from DIMM1 */ mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM1_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM1 */ 1: mov r7, #NUM_OF_ROWS_OFFSET /* offset 3 */ bl _i2cRead mov r8, r7 /* r8 save number of rows */ mov r7, #NUM_OF_COLS_OFFSET /* offset 4 */ bl _i2cRead add r8, r8, r7 /* r8 = number of rows + number of col */ mov r7, #0x1 mov r8, r7, LSL r8 /* r8 = (1 << r8) */ mov r7, #SDRAM_WIDTH_OFFSET /* offset 13 */ bl _i2cRead mul r8, r7, r8 mov r7, #NUM_OF_BANKS_OFFSET /* offset 17 */ bl _i2cRead mul r7, r8, r7 mov PC, r13 /**************************/ _get_width: mov r13, LR /* Save link register */ /* Read SPD rank size from DIMM0 */ mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM0_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM0 */ cmp r6, #0 beq 1f /* Read SPD rank size from DIMM1 */ mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM1_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM1 */ 1: /* Get SDRAM width (SPD offset 13) */ mov r7, #SDRAM_WIDTH_OFFSET bl _i2cRead /* result in r7 */ mov PC, r13 /**************************/ _get_CAL: mov r13, LR /* Save link register */ /* Set maximum CL supported by DIMM */ mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM0_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM0 */ mov r7, #SUPPORTED_CL_OFFSET /* offset 18 */ bl _i2cRead mov PC, r13 /**************************/ /* R8 - sdram configuration register. * Return value in flag if no-registered then Z-flag is set */ _is_Registered: mov r13, LR /* Save link register */ #if defined(MV645xx) /* Get registered/non registered info from DIMM */ tst r8, #SDRAM_DTYPE_DDR2 bne regDdr2 regDdr1: mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM0_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM0 */ mov r7, #SDRAM_MODULES_ATTR_OFFSET bl _i2cRead /* result in r7 */ tst r7, #0x2 b exit #endif regDdr2: mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM0_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM0 */ mov r7, #DIMM_TYPE_INFO_OFFSET bl _i2cRead /* result in r7 */ tst r7, #0x11 /* DIMM type = regular RDIMM (0x01) */ /* or Mini-RDIMM (0x10) */ exit: mov PC, r13 /**************************/ /* Return value in flag if no-Ecc then Z-flag is set */ _is_Ecc: mov r13, LR /* Save link register */ mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM0_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM0 */ mov r7, #DIMM_CONFIG_TYPE bl _i2cRead /* result in r7 */ tst r7, #0x2 /* bit 1 -> Data ECC */ mov PC, r13 /**************************/ /* Return value in flag if no second DIMM then Z-flag is set */ _is_Second_Dimm_Exist: mov r13, LR /* Save link register */ mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM1_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM0 */ mov r7, #DIMM_TYPE_OFFSET bl _i2cRead /* result in r7 */ tst r7, #0x8 /* bit3 is '1' -> DDR 2 */ mov PC, r13 /******************************************************************************* * _mvDramIfGetDimmSizeFromSpd - read bank 0 dram's size * * DESCRIPTION: * The function will read the bank 0 dram size(SPD version 1.0 and above ) * * INPUT: * r6 - dram bank number. * * OUTPUT: * none */ _mvDramIfGetDimmSizeFromSpd: mov r13, LR /* Save link register */ /* Read SPD rank size from DIMM0 */ mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM0_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM0 */ cmp r6, #0 beq 1f /* Read SPD rank size from DIMM1 */ mov r4, #MV_BOARD_DIMM1_I2C_ADDR /* reading from DIMM1 */ 1: mov r7, #RANK_SIZE_OFFSET /* offset 31 */ bl _i2cRead pass_read: ldr r8, =(0x7 << SCSR_SIZE_OFFS) cmp r7, #DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_128M beq endDimmSize ldr r8, =(0xf << SCSR_SIZE_OFFS) cmp r7, #DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_256M beq endDimmSize ldr r8, =(0x1f << SCSR_SIZE_OFFS) cmp r7, #DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_512M beq endDimmSize ldr r8, =(0x3f << SCSR_SIZE_OFFS) cmp r7, #DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_1G beq endDimmSize ldr r8, =(0x7f << SCSR_SIZE_OFFS) /* DRAM_RANK_DENSITY_2G */ endDimmSize: mov PC, r13 #endif